You decide that it is time to reopen the private memo your session has been using for plotting. It is private, so you know there's no chance of anyone but the five of you that are currently in this session to use it. You hope, at least. It would really suck if anyone figured out your plans before you could put them in motion.
CAC: Hello sessionm^
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Comments 48
CAC: I do not think th^t I would ^rgue if you m^de some.
i'll pr*mise n*t t* put anything extra in it, i kn*w y*u all d*n't like that.
CAC: I do not intend to go ^nywhere.
CAC: ... I ^preci^te th^t ^s well, Meli^.
COP: Rather
COP: No longer dying
COP: As for myself
COP: My clothes are ruined
COP: Is there something wrong
CAC: I ^ppreci^te wh^t you did, P^vone.
CAC: Will you be ^ble to fix your clothes?
CAC: I know how import^nt they ^re to you.
CAC: I ^m only cold, ^s well.
CAC: I c^nnot seem to get rid of the cold th^t I felt in the L^nd of Frost and Fire, unfortun^tely.
COP: Did not do anything!
COP: She simply
COP: Ruined my clothes
COP: Which angered me
You remember that this is, in fact, a locked memo, not that it calms you down any. Your friends absolutely mustn't know how much you like them!
COP: She also
COP: Nevermind
COP: I should be able to fix my clothes in time
COP: I will look into making a scarf or blanket for you as well
COP: It will not be as warm as anything that Astravi will make, but
COP: Is there a particular colour that you would like
CAC: I think th^t I will be ok.
CAC: But if you m^de ^ bl^nket, I do not think I would refuse.
CAC: I do not mind the color, either.
CAC: It is worth it to note th^t we should be c^utious ^round ^gnir^ now.
CAC: I would not w^nt ^ repe^t of wh^t h^ppened to P^vone ^nd I to h^ppen ^g^in.
CLE: ...And in her rage, she has created further problems..
CLE: ...I do not like the look of these new imps..
CLE: ...
CLE: ...Or, of course, your injuries..
CAC: When I ^m feeling better, would you like me to show you how to fight better?
CAC: It m^y be a useful skill for what we are pl^nning on doing, ^s well.
CAC: My injuries ^re he^ling well, ^s well, so you will not h^ve to worry ^bout them.
CSE: if you like that
CSE: im already wearin one anyway
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