Was anyone else watching 'Blue Peter at 50' on BBC2 tonight?
I was really furious to see Peter Duncan making some horrible transphobic comments during it. Peter Duncan's talking about how he nearly turned the job of Blue Peter presenter down because of a guest appearing on the programme on the day he went to visit the studio:
'they had this half man half woman, or in transition ...for some bizarre reason they'd never realised during the live transmission that it wasn't quite who they'd thought it was...some sort of bizarre panto dame who got carried away...and it frightened me off...I just thought, I'm not sure I can cope with this.'
I've already sent complaints to BBC and Blue Peter, and I'd encourage others to do the same.
You can see the programme again
here and the relevant horrible bit is 23 minutes in. You can make a complaint to the BBC
This is a public post- please feel free to circulate!