Who: Sephiroth (Closed Log though anyone is free to use any of this that they want to for plotting)
When: Today (since it's still Thursday I hope I can base this in the evening of the current game "day"- After Kira's interference at the Orphanage) [OOC: CHANGED TO EVENING IN ORDER FOR TIMELINE]
Location: Near to and around Locksfelt Orphanage, Moving into one of the Refugee camps - Edge
Rating: M - Mature content. Massacre; deaths of innocents, bloodshed, chaos...
Summary:All of this needed a direction to erupt in...
It was all their fault.
They had made this world uninhabitable for Mother and that was why she had gone. No other reason made any sense anymore. Their race and it's grip on this Planet had reached a chokehold and it was time to loosen it somewhat. There was only one way Sephiroth knew of doing that.
Just a few feet from the rooftop of the Orphanage that he'd spent a lot of his time in the last few days, Sephiroth hovered like some great omen of doom. Eyes narrowed as he glimpsed over the rooftops from up here, idly observing the rare group of people who skulked around this part of Edge. So used to their routine lives that not one of them looked up to see him, as if he was as much a ghost as the children left in the Orphanage were. It was time to make them see, and make them all pay for their part in Mother's swift disappearance.
Sephiroth drew a calming breath as he reached down inside himself for that niche of familiar power that rested there. It felt charged as if almost a second heart that would burst out of him, containing all the energy accumulated from this emotion over the last few days. This was where he had pushed it all down to in order to stay in control. Grasping it tightly and with godly experience Sephiroth issued a firm direction of willpower; the grey pavement of the street erupted around a small group of people who had wandered down that street. Four Shadow Creepers summoned to begin the cull. The shocked cries were like shooting stars in the universe of Edge the city was so vast. Spectacular but painfully brief. They had to last longer, and it had to be louder. Loud enough for Jenova to hear it even from where she was now.
The hounds seemed to enjoy glutting themselves on human entrails which were still warm and blood soaked before pausing to regard Sephiroth with a similar blood thirst as he landed nearby. For a moment it seemed that they would strike even him but a firm control over the very stuff that they were made out of ensured the silver-haired warriors safety. After a moment of silence between man and beasts, the beasts turned tail and one taste of flesh led onto another. So great were these monsters and their unquenchable thirst for chaos and blood. Soon the screams turned louder indeed, and panic started to erupt for at least a few blocks around.
Judge, juror and executioner Sephiroth swept through the panicking crowds as if it were some great battlefield and it were him versus every other in the World. Simply that is how it was, he had to start the cull that Mother had wanted; that this World needed in order to progress. Reaping Mother's vengeance out of them seemed to Sephiroth an ideal place to start. Masamune soon became thick with human blood as it sliced mercilessly through limbs, clothing, hair and bone constantly. Time seemed to slow for each lethal blow as it was delivered, as the panic was silenced one voice at a time. There were no targets, all of the human race was a target and every single one of them deserved it. For taking Mother away again, just like their race had done eons ago.
The streets soon ran with the blood rain that had graced the Orphanage. Sephiroth's signature silver hair had become speckled with it as did exposed skin but it soon ran off of gleaming silver armor and leather as it was meant to, expected to. The stench of spilt blood, death and split open human carcasses began to hang around the air in almost a bloody mist of it's own as the screams abruptly ran out of voices to come from. As the last heavily battered body, impaled up to the hilt of Masamune was allowed to slide down the length of the blade Sephiroth cast a look of almost-pity around this junction of streets. The body dropped to the floor just as the other bits of meat had and silence prevailed, a wave of satisfied nausea filled up inside of Sephiroth just as the carnage filled every other sense. This had been his mission. It was ecstacy to finally know the feel of destiny again. This warmth inside he had been missing since she had gone and it now seemed he had begun to find it again. Those who would be spared would bow to their new master...no, their new God. Jenova had been right.
However as the Shadow Creepers relaxed back into the pavement from whence they came, Sephiroth did not want this to end. Not yet. Something inside him urged for more to be done now. With a strong beat of a black feathered wing, the one winged angel was airbourne once more. With each motion altitude was increased, allowing Sephiroth a wide view of the area from above. Ignored as irrelevant were the faint sirens of emergency services who would be too late to save anyone as Sephiroth's narrowly slit green orbs settled on the sight of canvas tents.
There, just a little closer in to what had been Midgar was one of the refugee camps that Sephiroth had seen advertised on the terminal during their stay at the Chocobo Farm. Refugees who did not have a place in this world, people, humans who should have died already or not have returned from the Lifestream at all. The balance needed to be set right and who else could be more deserving than humans who were doing nothing more for themselves than sponging off the goodwill of -guess what- other humans. Pathetic this race. So eager to offer help and just as likely to stab the backs of the same humans whenever they needed something in return. As Sephiroth watched calmly from an altitude safe from would-be missiles the Shadow Creepers newly summoned soon created a chaos of this hive as well.
Only then did Sephiroth land and continue with the work...