Title: It Began with a Tie, Part 1/30 - The Tie from Hell
Characters/Pairings: Sam/Spike
Word Count: 500.
Rating: PG.
Warnings: None.
Spoilers: None.
Summary: Sam really, really hates ties.
Written for:
flashpoint_sru, prompt #17 Outfit.
Disclaimer: I don't own Flashpoint.
Beta: The awesome
lillyg, who encourage me so much to write this and even gave me the title of the series. Thanks, sweetie!
It Began with a Tie
The Tie from Hell
Black or dark blue. Dark blue or Black. To be or not to be the consdescent son of Mr. John Braddock…
“Sam,” Spike greeted Sam as he got in the locker room, startling him.
Besides his locker, Sam looked at the dark blue unpacked tie he’d bought that morning on the way to work. “Spike.” Maybe he could have chosen the black one… He was so bad at picking the right colors when it came to his dad. But actually, being Mr. Braddock’s son should be enough. He shouldn’t have to do anything for him to like him, much less coming back to Special Operations.
Taking a deep breath and trying to control his already growing annoyance, Sam tried the tie on, but the stupid thing didn’t want to cooperate. “Damn tie,” he grumbled as he tried to arrange it. It was a pain in the ass, just like his father.
He’d totally forgotten that Spike was there. “Hey, everything all right?”
The ironic truth just rolled out of Sam’s tongue. “Of course it is. I just have to see my family tonight… and avoid my father seeing me around without the tie on.”
“Yep. Even the wrong color could set the house on fire, if you know what I mean.”
There was a strange, heavy silence but Sam decided to ignore it until Sam said, “Okay, let me,” and got closer to him so he could help him out with the tie.
Sam shook his head lightly. “God, I hate formal clothes.”
Spike laughed. “I used to say the same thing, but my mom kind of got me into suits, at least when it comes to family meetings. But whenever I say I look nice in them, suddenly I’m scared I’ve become her shadow.”
Conversations with Spike were always nice and funny; Sam snorted and immediately started to relax. “Well, I certainly hope that doesn’t happen to me.”
“From what you say of your father, me neither…” Spike frowned at the tie, which apparently was still giving him trouble. “This is the tie from Hell.”
“I know!”
As if it was a natural thing, Spike closed the gap between them and Sam stared down at the dark eyes that were focused on the tie. Suddenly, Spike’s presence was too vivid, and the nearness started to get uncomfortable. Sam swallowed and tried to think of anything but the fact that he could feel the other man’s fingers brushing his neck.
“There.” Spike finished arranging the tie and patted Sam’s shoulder as if they were closer friends than they used to be. “You’ll be all right, man. Just remember to smile. Families are complicated but there’s always some love there, no matter what.”
Sam couldn’t say a word about that. His house was everything but a home. At least he had Spike to talk about it. As he watched him walk away, his words hanged in the air. There’s always some love there.
He could only hope Spike was right.