Title: Occam’s Razor
Word Count: 300.
Characters: Greg.
Rating: PG-13.
Summary: There are some outcomes Greg could never accept.
Spoilers: None.
Written for:
flashpoint_sru, prompt #9 Sorrow.
Beta: The wonderful
Disclaimer: I don’t own Flashpoint or anything related to it.
Occam’s Razor
Greg had learned to live with the memory of his most terrible mistakes. He’d learned to keep himself together, to mourn the people who’d died under his watch.
But there were some outcomes he could never accept.
A family like the one he’d once had - a man, a woman, a little baby boy. All of them found after being missing for a week.
All of them dead inside their SUV, on the side of a lonely road no one had linked them to.
And now Greg was waking up in bed, covered in sweat and seeing images in his head. Six years later, he could still smell the corpses and feel the press’ flashes on his back as they claimed the right to know even the creepiest explanations.
Greg had none to offer. Even today, he couldn’t find the reasons why people died like that. Wanting to get away with their loved ones for a weekend, wanting to find peace in a new place for a few hours, and eventually finding death at the end of the road.
He remembered the news. There had been so much speculation about the family, so many theories brought up by the media and cocky experts who’d stated that the father was a rapist or that he’d planned to kill his loving wife and son.
Those journalists, those sons of bitches - sometimes they didn’t know where to stop, and no one ever dared to draw the line.
They didn’t understand anything. Greg did, but that didn’t soothe the pain in his heart.
Accidents happened. The Occam’s Razor principle existed for a reason. Not everyone had an incriminating secret or a selfish goal to act the way they did. And sometimes it was just fucking destiny that they didn’t get the chance to be saved.
The End.