Title: "Too Late"
Series: In the Arms of the Wicked, Part 29/36
Characters: David, Colby, Don, Charlie, Megan, Liz, OCs, McGowan, Larry, mention of Charlie/Colby and David/Liz.
Rating: PG-13.
Spoilers: None.
Warnings: None.
Summary: A phone call takes David and Colby to the cult’s place.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything (characters, situations, etcetera) except my OCs.
Beta: The fantastic
twins_m0m and the great
Previous chapters: Click
Previous chapter Next chapter 29: Too Late
Right after Don’s call alerting them to Ian and Farrow’s disappearance, both partners were on their way to the archeologist’s house. They expected to arrive quickly, since the motel was nearby. As Colby drove their car, David was picking up the last details about the case. “That’s all? Okay. Thanks, Liz,” he said, and then he closed his phone. “Like Don said earlier, Sergio did the inside job. A friend of Farrow’s, Lillian Fisher, fifty-four, red-hair, found out about him and has been trying to tell him to protect himself by leaving those fractions and symbols Larry and Charlie have been working on.”
“She’s part of the cult, too? Damn, it looks like all of Farrow’s closest friends were his worst enemies,” Colby said.
“Yeah… Hey, that’s the house, isn’t it?” David pointed at an old building that was about three hundred meters away.
Colby nodded in approval. “It must be. Let’s check it out.”
After parking the SUV near the house, they noticed the marks of several vehicles. Holding their guns tightly, both agents stood beside the front door. Colby nodded and David broke in. Alert, they went separate ways. After searching their own area, they both yelled, “Clear!”
“Colby!” David called and in a few seconds Colby was by his side. They were at the door of what seemed to be a dusty library. They entered the room and looked around. “I think we’re late.” On the lookout, he took out a pair of gloves, put them on and approached the closest table he could see. “Look at that.” There was a glass full of strange liquid. He picked it up and smelled it.
“What is it?”
“I don’t know, some kind of drink.”
Then Colby informed him, “There’s some more of it here. It looks like another glass fell to the floor… and I can see some blood.”
“How much?” When David followed Colby, he understood what he meant. He fixed his eyes on a spot on the floor and frowned as his partner described the scene.
“Luckily, not enough.” Colby was right; there were only a few drops of blood on the floor, certainly not enough to think that Ian or Farrow were dead before they left the house. “So here is where they fought, but how did he get through Ian?”
“Maybe it was that drink. Sergio could have put something in it.”
“That makes sense. It’d be the only way,” Colby agreed. He rested his hands on his hips and took a deep breath. “What now?”
David got on his knees and looked around. “I don’t know, but whoever said the butler story was a cliché didn’t know what the hell he was talking about.” When his cell phone started ringing, he opened it and saw it was his boss. He put him on speaker phone. “Don, what’s up?”
“Lillian Fisher just called 911. Here’s her message.”
The voice of a worried woman came out of the cell phone.
Hello? This is Lillian Fisher. No, no, don’t tell me to calm down. Listen to me. I’ve got important information that you have to get through to the FBI. One of his agents, Ian Edgerton has been kidnapped along with Dr. Christopher Farrow - yes, the archeologist. Yes, of course it’s an emergency! The bloody point is I know where they are. Write this address down and tell the FBI to come here as soon as possible…
She almost hadn’t let the operator talk, and she’d spilled all the data right there and then, adding an address in Phoenix at the end.
“We’re on our way,” David told him, but Don had another question.
“How’s the place there? Describe it to me. What did you find?”
Colby took the lead. “There's some blood on the floor, but not enough to be considered serious. We think Sergio fixed some kind of drink for Ian and Farrow, so he was probably able to subdue them easily.”
“Fine, leave everything as it is…”
Megan was the next person who talked. “According to what I’m seeing in these files, it looks like Sergio wouldn’t do anything that would put him at risk if it wasn’t for money. He’s sending money to his family in Spain. They were very poor until two and a half years ago.”
Then Liz explained, “That must have been when he started working for the cult. He’s been very well paid since then. Maybe too much, even for being a millionaire’s butler.”
“Yep. He’s got two million dollars in his bank account,” Charlie added. “The transfer was made by the same collector that booked the salon at the mansion located at the address Lillian gave in her 911 call.”
“What about Farrow?” Colby asked.
When Larry spoke, his voice was shaky and unsure. “Unfortunately, I believe that there is an enigmatic component in the way he conducts himself in life and the choices he makes.”
Colby looked at David, who shook his head, feeling sorry for Larry.
“I’ll send the Phoenix lab to take care of the evidence,” Carl’s interrupted Don. “Now get to that address. The Phoenix Division will be waiting for you there,” he finished, and then the communication was ended.
Looking worried, Colby turned to David and asked, “Okay, that doesn’t surprise me that much, but what was all that? It sounds like things are a bit tense there.”
“Yeah… I wouldn’t blame them. Remember that Farrow is Cameron’s protégé. He wanted him on this case in the first place.”
“Right… Let’s go.”
In a minute, they were in their car, on their way to Phoenix. This time, David decided to drive, as Colby seemed to be a lot more tired than him. After a while on the road, his partner yawned and that triggered David’s wittiness. “Hold on there, sleeping beauty. We’ve got a case to take care of.”
“Ha, very funny. I’m fine,” Colby stated flatly, reaching for his gun to check it.
“I’m just saying… It looks like a certain math professor has kept you up lately.”
“That’s hilarious, but as far as I know, you should be concerned about a certain female agent you brought a thousand lilies to.”
The comment wasn’t very funny. “First, it wasn't a thousand. And second, you bug me when it comes to Liz - which, by the way, has nothing to do with anything - but you don’t let me ask about Charlie? Call me crazy, but I don’t think that’s fair,” David said, glancing at his partner and barely managing to hold back a smile.
“You wanna know why I do it? You wanna know the truth?” Colby asked, almost daring him. He leaned closer to David and added, “I think you should give Liz a chance - or any other woman for that matter. It’d be good for you… I mean it. Of course, whenever you feel ready.”
They looked at each other intensely. David could feel the mutual understanding and the strength of their friendship. He knew that he could always count on the man he had in front of his eyes. “Okay.”
In response, Colby nodded and went back to checking his gun. The rest of the trip was very calm and David was grateful for it, considering that they had to concentrate on saving Ian and, maybe, a lot more people.
Once they were back in Phoenix, they got to the location Lillian Fisher had stated in her 911 call. The local FBI was already waiting for them. As agents were getting out of their cars and taking care of the details, a red-headed man that seemed to be in charged approached David and Colby.
“Agent Malcolm Parker, FBI, Phoenix Division,” he said. “Cameron and McGowan already updated us. We already have cleared the area. The mansion’s outside staff have been moved to a safer place and held for questioning.”
“Agent David Sinclair, and this is Agent Colby Granger,” David introduced them, and they both shook Parker’s hand. “Are you ready?”
The man made a signal to his people and turned around again. “We always are.”
David looked at Colby, who cocked his head and took out his gun. “Time to break in.”
A minute later, they were entering the mansion, searching through the exterior rooms. Every time they ran into a staff member, they asked them to quietly leave. According to the information provided, one of the main halls had been booked under the name of a well-known art collector.
Quietly and quickly, they came to the door of the big golden hall. Peering in, they saw a crowd wearing masks and formal clothes. Some individuals in the crowd were yelling at each other in an upset manner.
But now wasn’t the time to look for the answer. Like Colby had said, it was time to break in.
Reckless, David walked in. “FBI! Hands up, don’t you dare move, do you hear me?”
Colby did the same, right behind him, followed by the Phoenix Division. “Hands in the air, hands in the air!”
Most people didn’t scream. Only one of the few young members dared to yell, but that was all. As David watched the Phoenix FBI team quickly arrest the cult member, he remembered that some wealthy people were snobs that didn’t care about anything that wasn’t money, fame or exclusivity. Sometimes, their obsession for those things led them to assist each other in horrible crimes like the one they were involved in now. And Farrow, who apparently had had Ian and everyone else eating from the palm of his hand, was just like them. How could he have fooled them all, including Cameron? How could it be that no one knew that he was a member of the cult?
“David,” Colby called him from near the stairs. He signaled David to follow, and with Colby leading the way, they both started walking upstairs.
A long corridor appeared, and they followed it silently, stopping when they heard noises coming from a room just up ahead. There was definitely a fight going on inside. This time David led the way, and with Colby behind him, both stood beside the door, listening.
The sound of a woman's voice came from inside. She was being confronted by someone because of her use of a cell phone. It didn’t make much sense until suddenly Ian’s voice was heard stating, “You touch her and you’re dead.”