Break it down ...

Oct 10, 2008 17:28

I'm going to make it easy on you.

If you vote "Yes" on Prop 8 you are a BIGOT! You may as well walk around with a white sheet on burning crosses and hanging undesirables, because you are not "Protecting" marriage or anything else, you are destroying lives just as much as if you were taking them out to the end of the road and shooting them in the head.

My challenge to you - find someone who you know is voting "Yes" on 8 and call them a bigot to their face. Do it. I dare you. (I do it every time I get the chance.) It is fun. Watch them flounder for some reasonable argument like morals, or religion. Then just say, "You can stop explaining, I understand. You are a bigot. That's fine. You'll be much happier when you admit it to yourself, but until you can, I'll just go ahead and admit it to your face." Then smile. Don't get upset or angry. Just calmly keep repeating it. They will either walk away or get really, really angry. That's when you get concerned and ask them if they'd prefer some other label, like "Nazi" or "Fascist". That should get them to blow a gasket, and they may not be able to get to the polls on Nov 4.

This is the single most contentious election cycle I've ever seen. (Yes, I understand the irony here, thanks.) Signs are actually being stolen from yards for both candidates. McCain's rallies are looking more and more like a mob scene as his cultists, er, followers yell things like "Terrorist" and "Kill him!" about Obama. Yes, I blame the Republicans for ruining Democracy. They crossed the line so long ago they no longer even know where it is, or that there is one. Obama and Biden may not have all the answers, and some of the ones they do have I am not entirely fond of, but they have not resorted to out and out lying and baseless character assassination like the McCain/Palin ticket.

This election won't be over after the votes are counted and Obama is sworn in. It probably won't end until the next election, assuming we have one and a red/blue civil war doesn't break out. They will be watching, researching, and blogging every misstep, every incorrect word, every gaffe at every moment of the next four years. We can't stop at Nov 4 - our job is not done by voting. We have to keep momentum going, hold rallies, keep educating and recruiting the youth votes, and working to get rid of the black box voting machines. Maybe, one day, we can actually see some positive change in this country. And we can be proud of America again.
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