"Blame it on the Alcohol"

Feb 22, 2011 22:48

First off, it must be said, that Lea and Darren are very good duet partners, and that Blaine drunk dances like a slut. Which pleases me. And makes me want to have sex with him.

Secondly, BLAINE WOKE UP IN KURT'S BED! That pleased me.

Now on this bi thing. "I'd say 'bi' but I don't want to make you angry." I'm sorry, but that made me laugh really hard. Even if it was a little dickish.


See, I don't think Blaine was ever bisexual. I think he's sexually repressed, and other kinds of repressed. He got a first taste of sexuality - because how could Rachel being Rachel not be into someone as talented as herself - and he wanted to pursue it, so he constructed the whole bisexuality/finding myself thing as an excuse for just being horny. He realized it was bullshit quickly enough, once he returned to dapper!Blaine, but dear god someone get him out of Dalton more often. As evidenced by his being a relatively happy drunk, homeboy needs to let go more. That Blaine is repressed is a lot more believable than some half-assed, insulting bisexuality storyline. Especially when the storyline mostly existed just to kick Kurt, who's been kicked a lot. Blaine's being horny and repressed and subconsciously eager to bone the first thing that will let him without the terror of emotional attachment doesn't have anything and doesn't have to have anything to do with his being gay or s secret desire to be "normal." It's just Blaine having a personality. He threw himself at a dude at the Gap two weeks ago. The guy's horny but afraid of relationships. Why couldn't we just run with that?

As for Kurt and his response to Blaine's "my bisexuality is pastede on yay," I get that he's bitter and hurt and everything, but damn was he a bigotted asshole. Bisexuals are just gay people who want to pretend they're straight so they can feel normal? Come on. That doesn't even make sense. Identitfying as bi isn't going to make one feel normal. The implication that one is willing to have sex with people of the same gender at all is where society starts to have a problem. Also, Kurt, you're your dad's little boy. He doesn't want you sharing a bed with anyone you would possibly have sex with. That doesn't automatically make him uncomfortable with gay sex, that makes a him a parent. Whether or not he does have a problem with gay sex is another matter. His ignorance about gay sex is another matter. You know, I have no desire to know about lots of stuff, that doesn't mean I have anything against those who enjoy whatever it is or the fact that they enjoy it, nor have I as a child ever expected my parents to educate themselves about things I considered part of me. That sort of thing has to come from Burt, because he wants to, not something you should demand of him, Kurt. You could have asked if Blaine's sleeping over was okay. One of you could have slept on the couch. Show your father some respect and don't take cheap shots and cry homophobia because you can't do whatever you want. On the other hand, that would have been less amusing than Burt finding Blaine in your bed, so don't. Also, please tell me more about Puck and Finn's sleepovers :) Also also, your dad thinks Blaine's a drunk slut :)

And Rachel? Well she's shown herself to be selfish and twitty long ago, so her actions aren't surprising, but competing with your friend for the guy he likes? That's kinda low.

Keep being hot, Puck. Keep drunk dialing, Will. No more "Ke-dollar sign-ha" songs please.


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