"My lips are sealed, just like your legs." Ohh cheap shot haha
Random thoughts in no particular order.
I'm a straight woman I guess, but if there's anyone on this show who's sexy, sexy it's Santana. And now she's all complex and sympathetic and awesome, and can act and... And there can never be too much of her. I don't want Holly singing, I want Santana singing damnit. Her revelation certainly explained a lot about her personality in a way that I could believe, and I appreciate that she made a connection to how Kurt was treated and I root for Brittana (sorry Artie, adore you though I do). Also I would like Santana to make friends with Blaine.
Why is Emma so crazy now? Why does she have to be saved for Will to deflower? What's wrong with Uncle Jessie? As Holly says, he's hot. Why does she keep (almost)marrying dudes. Why is Will so inappropriate? Why is Bieste so awesome giggling at Emma's nail her to the wall comment? Seriously, I can get that Emma is a virgin because she's uncomfortable with intimacy, but being uncomfortable with intimacy and being a crazy prude don't have to be the same thing. The show could have been a little bit more responsible, as it does attempt to speak to young people, in showing that not being ready for sex doesn't have to be a pathology or indicative of a mental illness.
Sweet, Sweet Porcelain! Blaine's faces! So funny!
Was Blaine jumping on high things and dancing again? I think he secretly wants to be a stripper. He just can't stop adding fodder to my notions of him having an inner slut, and I like that there's an inner slut in Blaine. I'm taking it that he's not a virgin or has at least done some fooling around himself. I'm wondering if the hook-up at a party thing refers to him and some random guy - because we all know how Blaine is about random people, and parties. Whatever it was, I'm guessing it wasn't a happy encounter. I'm wondering too if Blaine, stumbling through life as he's been lately, isn't consciously attracted to Kurt because he's looking for the stronger figure to guide him blah blah (the one he's trying to be to kurt) and he sees himself in Kurt - the vulnerability, victimization, and lack of knowledge about Gay Things, etc. Kurt's shown that he can be stronger, and Blaine's seen that, but maybe what opens Blaine's eyes is that in sharing these things that Blaine maybe doesn't like about himself Kurt's the one who can understand him. At the end of the day I think that counts for more than some fantasy guy one constructs in their head. Blaine is protective of Kurt, and going to Burt out of love and concern for Kurt was a big step on his part. And kinda made Burt think better of Blaine that just the slut who woke up hungover in Kurt's bed :) One thing though, about Blaine's dad and the car, is the show implying that gay men don't enjoy getting their hands dirty or fixing up cars? That's rather uncomfortable stereotyping. It would have been better to learn Blaine works on cars as a hobby, or something to break a stereotype. But I guess that doesn't fit with the "I want Kurt to have better than I had" thing. Hmm.
Blaine forcing Kurt to make sexy faces for him was both awkward and great.
And Sweet Porcelain himself? Either the show has come to the point where it pulls random things out of its ass, which it has and does, or Kurt's clamming up about sex has to do with Karofsky. I'm thinking there might have been some tiny involuntary (I want to stress that, and not get in to Kurt secretly liked it/wanted it territory) part of him that maybe reacted to being kissed, in the shock of it all and the shock of being kissed at all for the first time, or something he interpreted as reacting with anything other than the rightful fear and revulsion, and he became scared of any sexual feeling at all. Or maybe he freaked out and got irrational and thought about his vigorous pursuit of Finn and made into being like Karofsky's little unwanted assault and became afraid of himself as a sexual person. Or I'm a romantic person and not a sexual person, so that means I'm not like Karofsky, or something.
Or something.
It's 2:30 in the morning.
Blaine should very slowly start by showing Kurt the pleasures of kissing. And, for the record, there's no kinda fantasy about that going on in my head or anything.
Burt is an awesome dad. He and Bieste should hang out.