So life is going pretty good. I have an amazing girlfriend which I love to death(who I want to be with if you were wondering...!), school is almost over and I'm making cash. I'd have to say things have turned out great this end-of-the-school-year-time. Grade 12 is almost here. Stellar.
Do you ever feel like the people you know will be there one day but gone the next? Or perhaps that you are loosing contact with some of them? Last year at this time, I would have been with my friends and family but my life consits of school, girlfriend and job. I do make the time though for other stuff like friends and family. Don't get my wrong, I love doing that stuff so much. I read that to have a perfect lifestyle is to have balance. I am doing my best though! Back to last year, went into the summer single, which might be great for some people but I think summertime is the best time to have someone you love. I love you so much.
I don't know what I am getting at. Probably nothing. I will just go the other couch (or is some cases, the floor which has two quilts on it, and sometimes the company of a depends as it changes from night to night :P). Gotta love that warm, welcoming floor.
...yup, life is good.
swalls = sweaty + balls