Closing in on the end of the first season! Today's offering is another one of the set piece episodes, which is something the show does well. But it's also one of the Morality Theme episodes, which is something the show doesn't do well. Music, fun, excitement, and a cast of dumbasses running around in it. What's not to love?
Season One, Episode Twenty )
Comments 6
I'm almost frightened now to venture forth to episode 1.21 as I shall now be on my own and without your reflections to serve as the dessert to each episode. I will fear not, though, and take the lessons I have learned here and apply them to determining when Justin as a character catches up to my love of his concept. And when Lindsay begins to resemble all the wonderful traits that we're assured she has.
Thank you so much for what must be hours worth of work put forth here- each and every one was wonderful!
I'm on season 2 now and I hope you find time to continue your recaps bit by bit because I would love your take on it. The changes in the tone in the aftermath of the bashing are incredibly interesting and the growth in a lot of the characters so far is pretty profound too. You're much better at putting all of this into words than I am. Kudos on a fantastic full season of recaps!
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