And I Must Spork: Maradonia, Part IX

Nov 12, 2010 23:20

Part nine already? Hot damn. Next few chapters are a bit on the long side, so bear with me.

Chapter 25 )

sporking, maradonia

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Comments 9

bs_08 November 13 2010, 06:58:39 UTC
imperator is the turkish word for emperor LOL but why name a unicorn that?

whenever i see abaddon's name i read 'a bad one' lol

oh is abaddon a pretty pretty princess??? well that's nice :D now i can imagine him looking like legolas.


imma reminds me of that black eyed peas song 'imma be, imma be'

... can horses eat FISH???

Orlenda? is that like Orlando, Florida?

"When I look around I see only women, babies, and a bunch of senile and very old men."

WOW. 'lol u guies are old and senile!!!'
what the hell is wrong with this kid???

i love that maya pimp-slapped that bitch!

oh god, i remember joeys stupid test from the other spork. i want to choke that kid.


what the hell is up with all these dumbass names???


pariah164 November 13 2010, 07:07:12 UTC
IDEK man. Maybe the book is sponsored by Nissan? Lawl.


(The comment has been removed)

bs_08 November 13 2010, 08:32:23 UTC
what's so hard to understand? they don't use many words. in fact, the brevity of this one example is mind-staggering:

""We greet you with honest and grace in the name of our wonderful people of Arunda and Kaulana. We have heard and we believe you are 'The Encouragers' and the future leaders of our armies.""

it would have taken most authors a sentence twice as long to express the same...... oh god i cant even keep a straight face while writing this LOL

have a drink! \~/


db_silverdragon November 13 2010, 11:32:25 UTC
Abaddon is Freddy. I'm calling it now.

The Valley of IMMA FIRIN MAH LAZOR, perhaps?

What is it with Tesch and not being able to make names sound vaguely consistent? Astrodoulous, Apollyn, Sagitta, and Montesalam are all rubbing shoulders with Lawrence, Blackpool, Gertrude, etc. It's like she went on a wiki trawl and pulled out names she liked.

Actually, seeing how Blackpool is a name here and not a British seaside town, she probably did.


xxburningsoulxx November 13 2010, 14:28:44 UTC
Well, I like the bitchslapping part. XD Joey deserved it big time.

As for the names, I can't pronounce them. Too weird.


ext_307723 November 13 2010, 18:56:19 UTC
When I read Imma, I'm like....imma gonna slap this bitch. then I read it aloud and almost burst into a fit of giggles. It is funny. Plus, I want to Abbadon to mind rape Maya now. It would make for some good drama. I want to see some serious Elm street stuff right now.


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