I was listening to Debra talk about the Arts Festival yesterday, and she was saying something about the street by abbott hall being completely blocked off for what seemed to be a huge chalk-fest. (And it sounded like a blast
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super cool sonia! I have 5 new boxes! and I'm going to dye a couple silk scarves to sell to while I'm here! this will be fun (plus we will make money!)
see you soon and call my moms cell if anything else comes up!
Hah, well, hopefully, you'll read this before you come back! Look below to see our current "dilemma" of the day/s. Unfortunately Bob backed out, so we don't really get a fourth opinion, but tell us what you think is best.
Hey so I talked to various people about what they think about us vending out in front of the Acorn. The fact that the street down by Abbott Hall is being blocked is probably a good thing and it means more room for our stand and more foot-traffic. Here's what I think we should do: plan to set up on the street and if we can't (for chalk or other reasons), we can move to the front of the Acorn. I think it should be the back-up plan because people already know that we were setting up at Abbott Hall-and thats where the artisan's marketplace is. Sound good?
And I have a question: I thought the artisan's marketplace was only for two days...?
The only thing is, they are blocking the street for certain purposes. Sure, we may get more traffic, but we can't be there legally. We have permission to set up shop, but we don't have any sort of permission saying we can stand there. There will be stands there that were set up for and by the Arts Committee, and if they ask what we're doing there, we have no real license or anything to be there. I just don't want to go there, set up, only to be told to get out. At least at the Acorn, we have definite permission from both of the gallery owners, and aren't in the way of people trying to do paintings on the side of the road, or people trying to use the street for what they blocked it off for
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I thbink acorn is a good place, alot of people (tourists in particular) will go down the the docks and to the landing, not to mention acorn itself. though artisans market is only open for two days they're will be PLENTY of tourists and people still looking to get stuff.
the festival itself starytsd at 9 so do you want to get there at 7:30-8?
I thbink acorn is a good place, alot of people (tourists in particular) will go down the the docks and to the landing, not to mention acorn itself. though artisans market is only open for two days they're will be PLENTY of tourists and people still looking to get stuff.
the festival itself starytsd at 9 so do you want to get there at 7:30-8?
So we should go all four days? Yeah... i forgot about the restaurants, so that would add to the traffic. (a lot is two words..... starytsd?) I think around 8 is good. If you want, you can come to my house with all your stuff and we can go down that way.
and yeah going to your house first sounds good, so I should get to your house at a little before 8?
also I made an AWSEOME scarf (if I do say so myself)and this place has the coolest beads so I made some jewlery to sell and I'm going to raid and pillage it for beads tomarrow (ei. buy beads).
Hey there, Although I still believe that the Acorn should be the back-up idea-cause its not that hard to move-I will still go along with what u guys are planning. However, there is no way I can do it all four days...#1 I don't have that much to sell, #2 I have all my relatives coming to stay that week #3 I wanna see the festival myself...so I'm sorry to say that I can only commit to one day of vending, maybe two if things go well.
Hello! I will say I really know what you mean by using it as a back-up plan, and normally I'd go for that too, but I'm just thinking that we're already guarenteed a great spot (with a bathroom,) so I just feel a bit safer doing it that way. Are you sure you can't do at least two days? Since I know that Rachael and I have a lot to sell and we'd need at least that. Not to say we won't see the festival, I was thinking that, even on the first or second day, we could take shift breaks alone or in pairs to go off and wander while one of us keeps watch. Don't just think this will be crazy vending 9am to 11pm straight vending, there are things I want to do too, but I still want to sell as much as I possibly can. We'll probably stop in the afternoon, I know that my therapist's husband has a band playing that I really must see, and I want to go play in the sidewalk chalk street.
I'll bring tableclothes and such, what else should I bring? For shade, I only have... rain umbrellas... which... I doubt would help... But Rachael's coming to my place a bit before 8. Only my mom tells me that the galleries open at 9, so maybe we should get there a round 8, 8:30? What do you think?
Comments 18
see you soon and call my moms cell if anything else comes up!
Unfortunately Bob backed out, so we don't really get a fourth opinion, but tell us what you think is best.
And I have a question: I thought the artisan's marketplace was only for two days...?
the festival itself starytsd at 9 so do you want to get there at 7:30-8?
the festival itself starytsd at 9 so do you want to get there at 7:30-8?
p.p.s. this computer is wierd so there maytbve a double post of my messege.
(a lot is two words..... starytsd?)
I think around 8 is good. If you want, you can come to my house with all your stuff and we can go down that way.
p.s. it's 41 pages! XD
and yeah going to your house first sounds good, so I should get to your house at a little before 8?
also I made an AWSEOME scarf (if I do say so myself)and this place has the coolest beads so I made some jewlery to sell and I'm going to raid and pillage it for beads tomarrow (ei. buy beads).
yay! see you friday!
Although I still believe that the Acorn should be the back-up idea-cause its not that hard to move-I will still go along with what u guys are planning. However, there is no way I can do it all four days...#1 I don't have that much to sell, #2 I have all my relatives coming to stay that week #3 I wanna see the festival myself...so I'm sorry to say that I can only commit to one day of vending, maybe two if things go well.
I will say I really know what you mean by using it as a back-up plan, and normally I'd go for that too, but I'm just thinking that we're already guarenteed a great spot (with a bathroom,) so I just feel a bit safer doing it that way.
Are you sure you can't do at least two days? Since I know that Rachael and I have a lot to sell and we'd need at least that. Not to say we won't see the festival, I was thinking that, even on the first or second day, we could take shift breaks alone or in pairs to go off and wander while one of us keeps watch. Don't just think this will be crazy vending 9am to 11pm straight vending, there are things I want to do too, but I still want to sell as much as I possibly can. We'll probably stop in the afternoon, I know that my therapist's husband has a band playing that I really must see, and I want to go play in the sidewalk chalk street.
Do you have a table or two you could bring?
I'll bring tableclothes and such, what else should I bring? For shade, I only have... rain umbrellas... which... I doubt would help...
But Rachael's coming to my place a bit before 8. Only my mom tells me that the galleries open at 9, so maybe we should get there a round 8, 8:30? What do you think?
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