Last Updated 5/25/11. For reference, Mordecai's 'mon all use HG/SS levelup charts for move learning.
The Power
type: dark/flying
ability: super luck
level: 16 [10/51]
nature: impish;
highly curious
• peck [FLY]
• astonish [GHO]
• pursuit [DRK]
• haze [ICE]
• wing attack [FLY]
"I always wanted to date a girl named 'The Power'."
→ They haven't known each other for long - and no they aren't dating, you sicko - but already The Power is doing a good job of keeping away the homesickness. She's a lot like Rigby - she's too interested in screwing around to really do anything serious. Plus, she always seems to be in the right place at the right time to not suffer the consequences of her actions. Now if only he could train her to scream "STOP TALKIIIING!", it would be JUST like having Rigby with him.
type: bug/grass
ability: effect spore
level: 18 [5/57]
nature: naughty;
a little quick-tempered
captured: cherrygrove
• scratch [NRM]
• stun spore [GRA]
• poisonpowder [POI]
• leech life [BUG]
• spore [GRA]
"Shrooms will mess you up, man. Best keep back."
→ In early April, there was a plague of all sorts of bugs all across Johto. That included Cherrygrove City. Amidst the chaos and the mayhem and the exploding Pineco bombs, Mordecai managed to actually snag one of the Parases he fought in a ball. The Paras, christened "Shrooms", is a bit of a nutcase. It seems to like attacking things and cutting things and really seems to like attacking things. Whatever Team Rocket did to it before it unleashed the bugpocalypse on Johto really screwed up its brain.
Mysterious Mr. R
type: normal
ability: pickup
level: 2 [1/6]
nature: docile
often dozes off
captured: cherrygrove
• tackle [NRM]
• growl [NRM]
• trick [PSY]
"If I named it 'Rigby', I'd be bossing my bro around. Like this, though, it's the AWESOME WRESTLING TAG TEAM of MAD MAN MORDO and the MYSTERIOUS MR. R! OOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"
→ On Easter, everybody in Johto found an egg amongst their belongings. Being a blue jay, Mordecai tried to hatch his like, well, a bird would - get a nice, sturdy nest, have The Power sit on it... it wasn't until a month later that he learned that pokémon eggs hatch by being WITH their trainers. It only took a few days after that, and a cute little Zigzagoon was born. Maybe due to being named after Rigby, or maybe because it was stuck in an egg for over a month, Mr. R seems a little... slow to catch on to things, almost derpish. He seems quite skilled at picking shiny trinkets up off the ground, though, and even if he never becomes a good battler, he'll always have a place in Mordecai's lineup.
type: water
ability: swift swim
level: 13 [18/42]
nature: naive;
likes to thrash about
ot: guybrush threepwood
• splash [NRM]
• tackle [NRM]
"What the hell kind of name is 'Roger'? Did I somehow end up on the Adult Swim block?"
→ Roger was originally not Mordecai's pokémon. Mordo found his ball in a dumpster after another trainer had tried to eat him, only to find that feebas aren't very appetizing. At least it came with a bitchin' belt wrapped around it... of course, Roger won't let Mordecai remove the belt for ANYTHING, so. Aside from the belt thing, the fish seems kind of braindead, albeit a kind of blissful derpiness as opposed to just stupid like Mr. R can be.
type: rock/ground
ability: rock head
level: 16 [32/54]
nature: timid;
sturdy body
ot: scott pilgrim
• mud sport [GRD]
• tackle [NRM]
• harden [NRM]
• bide [NRM]
• screech [NRM]
• rock throw [RCK]
• rage [NRM]
"Yeah, I had dorm mold once. Shit was nasty and made Rigby wheeze for a year."
→ Just like Roger, Moldorm wasn't originally owned by Mordecai. As soon as he came to Johto, Mordecai befriended Scott Pilgrim, a bro of like mind as himself. Mordo needed rapid transportation, Scott wanted to get rid of a pokémon he thought was useless, so the jay had a gift all of a sudden... once Scott's Skarmory flew far enough to deliver it. Moldorm is timid, pacifistic... and to be honest, it's pretty much the runt of the Onix litter. Despite surpassing his other pokemon in levels when he obtained it, Moldorm typically performs worse than them in pretty much every way. No wonder Scott was so eager to get rid of it. However, it's still faster and less work than walking everywhere. SO. vOv
type: fire/fighting
ability: blaze
level: 34 [3/105]
nature: brave;
good perserverance
ot: scott pilgrim
• headbutt [NRM]
• scratch [NRM]
• growl [NRM]
• focus energy [NRM]
• ember [FIR]
• double kick [FGT]
• peck [FLY]
• sand attack [GRD]
• bulk up [FGT]
• quick attack [NRM]
"Chobi? Isn't that some Japanese cartoon about robot girl harems?"
→ Unlike Moldorm, Chobi wasn't delivered - he showed up in Mordecai's PC box late one night at roughly the same time as Scott Pilgrim left Johto. Seeing it as more of a parting gift than a sign of being abandoned, Mordecai has started training Chobi as his own 'mon, definitely liking the strength it's showing. The Blaziken is kind of similar to Scott in demeanor - fairly laid back, but willing to stand up for what he believes in... at least until a veganpsychic-type tries to crush his face in. He still doesn't respect Mordecai as his "real trainer" yet, but Mordi is fine with that - he's got other 'mons he needs to train to get even close to Chobi's level.