When I get bored I change my user picture.
When I get bored I change my layout.
When I get bored I upload pictures.
This was from a few weekends ago in Philly in my new favorite store. Ian's modeling the HOTT shoes I found
A sign outside the show in Philly
My brother being cool...this happens often
I photoshopped this one up a bit to make it look cooler. I took it in the Dominican Republic
There were a lot of stray dogs in the D.R. and they all kind of looked the same...I really wanted to take one home
DUDE this guy was fucking amazing. I went on this tour deal and we were on this truck and he stood on the back making Rum & Cokes. It was AWESOME
We at lunch there. I liked the sign
These girlz were shakin' it like it was nobodys business
The beaches there were really pretty
Ahhh and now for some vanity shots of my hott self..
I <3 high contrast
This ones a lot like the previous one but...weirder
My new super sweet icon