I must be bored.

Aug 25, 2011 23:21

A conversation from Yahoo Messenger. The bot's words were in pink on purple, for context.

I'm fascinated, seeing this in Courier as I post it, that "she" has a tendency to swap capital I and lowercase L. What's the point of that? Is it so their bots can recognize each other and call it off?

(11:10:59 PM) nyxmoonbeam28351: hi
(11:11:20 PM) parkrrrr: Not that I believe for a minute that you're a real person, but that color combination would stun a blind man.
(11:11:28 PM) nyxmoonbeam28351: Hey whats up>? 22/F here. u?
(11:11:40 PM) parkrrrr: 97/hermaphrodite
(11:11:56 PM) nyxmoonbeam28351: Hmmm. Have we taIlked be 4?
(11:12:09 PM) parkrrrr: I have. You've just regurgitated your script.
(11:12:25 PM) nyxmoonbeam28351: Oh okk. l wasnt sure. But Anywayzs.. Whats up?
(11:12:39 PM) parkrrrr: I'm so fucking bored I'm talking to someone's badly-written robot. You?
(11:13:04 PM) nyxmoonbeam28351: No i am far from a bot
(11:13:13 PM) parkrrrr: Yeah, right. What's the sum of two and two?
(11:13:22 PM) nyxmoonbeam28351: Oh lm Iike soooo bored. There is nothing to do.
(11:13:28 PM) parkrrrr: Exactly. Fucking bot.
(11:13:34 PM) nyxmoonbeam28351: Oooo wait. Maybe there is. Have you ever watched a girIl strip on cam b4?
(11:13:46 PM) parkrrrr: I have. Do you strip all the way to your gears and pistons?
(11:14:12 PM) nyxmoonbeam28351: WeIlIl.... Do u wanna watch me strip on cam?
(11:14:40 PM) parkrrrr: Not in a million years. Software innards just don't do anything for me, especially software written by incompetent scammers.
(11:14:52 PM) nyxmoonbeam28351: Yeahh??? Ok welI you have to signup on this site so that l cannot be recrded.
(11:15:02 PM) nyxmoonbeam28351: lt onIly takes a minute and it is free. mk?
(11:15:20 PM) parkrrrr: No, I'd rather stick a white-hot needle in my eye, but thanks.
(11:15:35 PM) nyxmoonbeam28351: http://scam.site.invalid/ go right there thenn at the top of the page cIick on tha golId JOlN FREE button. ok?
(11:16:01 PM) parkrrrr: No, it's not okay. I can't read that, because blue on purple is about as readable as Finnegans Wake.
(11:16:14 PM) nyxmoonbeam28351: AIso it wilI ask for a credit carrd whhen you signup. But do not worrry
(11:16:29 PM) nyxmoonbeam28351: lt does not charge the carrd at aIl. Not even a penny. lts just to maake sure that u r over 18. k?
(11:16:32 PM) parkrrrr: So, what, your programmer doesn't know how to match the word "no?" Give me a credit card number and I'll sell you some tutorials.
(11:16:47 PM) nyxmoonbeam28351: K babe weIl hurrry up. When you get Ilogged in then view my cam and we can have some fun
(11:17:02 PM) nyxmoonbeam28351: l aIso havve some toys ;-X but you have to tipp me some goIld or takee me in privat to seee those.
(11:17:11 PM) parkrrrr: Well, it's been fun, but that needle isn't gonna get any hotter. Buhbye, now, K?
(11:17:20 PM) nyxmoonbeam28351: Hey Iets taIk on there my aim iis messing up.
(11:17:39 PM) parkrrrr: Yeah, I can tell. The end of your script is fast approaching and you aren't programmed to understand anything more than the word "bot."


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