Both are are teen rating, and the first drabble implies spoilers. I wrote these up long ago. These will probably make you wibble.
Don't Go
A small hand tugged at the edge of his trenchcoat. He paused in mid air, and glanced behind. His eyes were shaded by the brim of his hat. For a moment he thought he saw a brief glimpse of the small girl he once knew.
"Shinji... don't go... dummy."
"I need to go..."
"No you don't."
"Yes I do."
"No you don't."
"Yes I do."
She looked him the eyes this time. When she screams; she means it. Her childish face held a grimace. Behind her anger, she always hid something. Something that only he could see. Stepping down to the ground, he wraps his long arms around her small body.
"I'll live... dummy."
Lifting himself in the air once again, he aims toward the sky that held the man he'll never forgive.
White Rain
"Don't you die like this... you bastard," she whispered in his ear, as his head was resting against her shoulder. It was too familiar. The smell of fresh blood. The weight of a body laying over her. It was also raining, the drops started to fall over them, as if washing away the blood for him. It couldn't however wash away the pain.
"Who said I was dying?" the boy spoke in his cocky way, but his breath began to stagger. It was too familiar. The rain dripping down his cheek. How he shielded Rukia so gently. There was a deep pain in his back. He could feel the tip almost touching his ribs, but he could feel it being drawn out slowly. His muscles and tendons tensed up again, which then caused him to cry out.
He was coughing out dark liquid, that sprayed over the gray concrete surface.
"Rukia...." his voice softened.
She clung unto to his shoulders, trying to hold back tears. She waited to listen to his voice.
"I'm glad..."
Her eyes widened, looking over at him, keeping silent as he took another deep breath.
"I'm glad because... this time I protected the woman I care about most in the world..."
"Dummy...." the tears burned as they sliped out of her eyes. It was too much to hear. Her heart felt like melting and sinking away at the same time.
"You can't die like this Ichigo! We need you to fight... to win." Her voice shook, but she steadied herself, "If I'm that important to you, I'll stay by your side and fight with you together. Don't slip away you fool." A second had past after he listened to her words. All they could hear was the pitter patter of hard white rain.
"Ah... if you say so..." he gently said, slowly lifting himself up. He looked into her eyes this time.
"I won't."