Title: The Shrine
Author’s Name:
parsnip-chanWritten For:
naybob and the September challenge at
iy_flashficPairing or Character: Mama Higurashi/Papa Higurashi, Jiichan
Rating: PG
Spoiler Warnings:
Author’s Note: I hope this orig-I mean Inuyasha backstory fic hit the spot ^_^
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Comments 2
Also didn't think the Japanese were big on tombs, thought they went in for cremation.
Nitpicking aside (Sorry. It's what I do.), I liked the story itself, and how they fell in love with/because they could be comfortably silent together. You did a great job of evoking the slow pace of shrine life and that slow doesn't mean shallow.
And yes, it is Shinto. I was approaching deadline when I wrote this and stupidly assumed Microsoft Word was correct in telling me Shintoism was a made-up word rather then doing my own research. It's been fixed now, and should have been fixed last night, but I fell asleep instead.
One last thing, the 'tombs' was actually a misspelling. I meant to write tome, meaning a large and ancient text. Sorry for the confusion.
Thanks for reading as always ^_^ This piece was tough to bring together, and I'm glad the mood/theme I was going for was clearly conveyed.
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