
Jun 05, 2005 01:53




My Roomate's


For the fourth fucking time in three weeks I've had the pleasure of just turning out the lights and being on the verge of sleeping to discover the delightful sound of tinkling echoing in the background. Every FUCKING time I have to get up, deal with wet cat piss as I try to soak it out of the carpet before it stains so I don't fucking get charged for a cleaning bill when I move out in two months.

I'm turning into an insomniac already where i can't fall asleep til four or five AM and and then I wake up four or five hours later wide awake. It ain't pleasant. So tonight I actually had a CHANCE of sleeping at a decent hour and the fucking cat has to piss in my room. On my clothes. So not only did I have the pleasure of having to clean up after her, but I had the pleasure of doing laundry at one in the morning. Besides even THAT, the damn cat isn't even mine. Hell, it ain't even one of my roomates. We're cat sitting for the semester and now the summer. To top even THAT off, the person who's cat sitting might, if we're lucky, come home once a week which leaves me to do all the feeding and shit. I make sure to hound Jane whenever the cat litter needs to be changed. But at the same time, I'm getting tired of having to leave phone messages over the course of 2-3 days just to convince her to come on by.

I just fucking hate having to clean up after them. I live on the top floor in a three story townhouse. I can't afford to shut my door because the room gets instantly stuffy, and air conditioning only makes a difference in my room if it's set on 65 (hot air rises damnit!). So, I can't shut the cats out of my room. What the hell am I supposed to do? Just suck it up and deal with the fact that I can't kick my bed covers onto the floor in the middle of the night for fear of getting a lovely surprise in the morning? There's nothing. I don't want to have to be a bitch and kick pumpkin out of the house, but I"m going to have to. Starting tomorrow because I'm nice. I'm not going to call Jane at 2 AM just to tell her to get rid of the fucking cat.

I hate this. I so fricking hate this.

I'm going to have to sleep downstairs now too because my room smells like a mixture of cat piece, de-odorizer, and carpet cleaner. Here's to getting some sleep tonight after I'm wide awake...


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