
Jul 17, 2005 13:38

Uh So lasT night my PArents had a party with there friends here...one crazy night They All left at 6..in the MorNING i Was Up so LATE!

-Soo I watched laguna beach Yesterday *wish i Was There*

-So i COulD be At A party Or  jUSt hAnginG ouT with Friends Having A gOOd timE* But i Always FeeL liKe SomeThing iS miSSing .Its liKe everyOne is At there ( Read more... )

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Comments 12

kwang69 July 17 2005, 20:09:10 UTC
b3ing single is bettern than having someone...hav ing a bf or gf is a waste especialy so close to the end of summer,

♥ <333


partifreak July 17 2005, 23:45:10 UTC
KyLe Was I a WastE? HaHA i Love YA!
<3 kiRsten


kwang69 July 18 2005, 02:17:57 UTC
never .....i cherished ever moment *sigh* ....im too soft


partifreak July 18 2005, 18:55:02 UTC
KyLe i TotAllY cherished every moment also from sharing your wanna-be i pod to seeing FAME together..IT was FaBuLouS!
YoURs TruLeY<33 kiRsteN


s0uthern_sweety July 17 2005, 22:54:39 UTC
I have definateLy Learned that sitting there thinking of how bad things are going actuaLLy makes things worse. You shouLd take every oPpurtunity to enjoy yourseLf and aLways be haPpy. Never ever feaL like you need a boyfriend to make you haPpy. You are a great girL regardLess, and shouLd never be down because you feaL like you need someone eLse. Show how awes0me you can be on youR own, and that mR peRfect wiLL be swept off of HIS feet!! And definateLy Look on the bright side..there aRe going to be so maNy new guys at skewL this yeaR that aRe going to be Lining uP for Ms.KirsteN HugheTt! ILL be the keePer of the wait!ng List if you need some aSsistance!! loL! SmILe GiRLiE!! You are beautifuL and fun..DONT HOLD BACK!! KeeP smiLing.. mR peRfeCt cant heLp but notice that mysterious smiLe!!!!

loL! Love ya..
x0xo JeSss


partifreak July 17 2005, 23:48:41 UTC
Aw You Always Find The PerfECt words Too mAke me feel SOOOOOOO mUCh better aboUt every SituAtion! Thanks! And youR so Right i DOnt NEED a BoyFriend...at all.I need To jUSt enjoy myself and not worry so muCh abouT boYS*Cant Wait For SchOOl to Start This Year ..AlL The nEw BOys lol!

*Your SerIousLy awesome jess..LovE ya <3


s0uthern_sweety July 17 2005, 23:54:50 UTC
Anytime Kirsten. Im s0o gLaD I couLd make you feaL better. Y0u deserve it! CaLL me if you need anything. I hoPe you are smiLing now!!! :]

I l0ove u2 Kirsten-- like i said..Let me know if u need heLp with the waiting List!! loL!!! jp..<3ya!

x0xo JeSss


partifreak July 18 2005, 18:40:40 UTC
Haha I hope IM goNNa need Help witH a WaitINg loiST haha!!!!! You DiD make Me feeL a LOT beTTER lol ThanKs A miLLion!!!!!!!
<3 kirsten


yasemiin_x3 July 18 2005, 00:22:01 UTC
omgsh ! everyone tells me that i set my standards too high too !! i SWEAR everything your saying is totally the same as me but like idk its a lil dif. for me bc i was in a bad relationship so i want better than that && its okkay to set your standards high because one day when you REALLY find him, you`ll be happy that you had these problems because it will help u realize what u have ! and don`t worry about it bc your gunna be SOOOO HAPPY and your smiles will be real! but for now, just keep smiling bc really everything is OKK! I LOVE YOU! and your gunna find a guy that loves you as much as u love them ! <33 yazz


partifreak July 18 2005, 18:41:45 UTC
Aww Thanks YaZZ i Love You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
<3 kirSten


hAy iTs KaYlEe..... anonymous July 19 2005, 15:23:59 UTC
omg.... well first ill start out with you.. eventually, you will find the PERFECT guy for u. time will just have to tell. i have noticed that if you wait and dont go to them, then they will come to you. my example, devin. he just called out of the blue and know we are basically dating. it is so funny how everyone says they set high standards. NO.. because if you "set standards" then why do all girls always give in even though that guy didnt meet your high expectations? Patience is the most important key in life. If you are to eager or impatient, then nothing will go the way that you wanted it to ( ... )


Re: hAy iTs KaYlEe..... partifreak July 21 2005, 02:26:36 UTC
AHHHH my KAYLEE you DOnt knOW hOW FreakINg StOKeD i Am thaT ur FINALLY freKIng HOME!!!!! i am soo just gonna RElaX and let *him come to mE.And HE is GOING TO BE perfect lol make sure i dont date anyMOre loosers this year KAylEE not sayING kyle or JOhnnY were losers BUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT make sure there PerfeCT for me lol.ANd you and DEVIn* uh TOO cutE im SO happYYY for you.Too Bad me And Mo didnt Work When we HAd the Chance lol we couLda had our Percet 4 again Haha lOL...I lovE you SOOOOOOOO muCHO.


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