(no subject)

Aug 23, 2004 09:30

In a week, we sure won't be doing


What does your name mean? Alternate form of Amy. Wait. Amy- (Latin) beloved. Beloved!

How old are you? 20

How old are you mentally (as in are you mature?) I matured a lot over the past year so... 20.

How long does it take you get get ready in the morning? that totally depends on where I'm going


Do you dream at night? yes ma'am

Do you remember your dreams? if I try

Describe one: My sister and I sometimes have dreams that our dad is trying to kill us. Not like he's coming after us with a knife, but like, our house is about to be bombed and he won't let us leave.

What time do you go to bed usually? midnight or so

What time do you wake up normally? when the alarm goes off

What time do you wake on weekends? I don't know

Do you find waking late nice or annoying? if you're supposed to be Colin Powell in the mock Arab-Israeli debates that started an hour ago, it's more than annoying

Do you sleep with one pillow or two? one


Do you like school? The academic part? Always.

Why/why not? Because I'm good at it. Because it's the place to be!

What's your favorite subject? whatever I'm studying at the moment

Do you have a fave teacher? most of them I've had at Wesleyan... Dr. Saunders, Dr. Whitlock, Hamner, Dr. Weeks....

Ever had a crush on a teacher? I don't believe so

Are you a math/science person or an english/drama person? I'm an English/science person.


Do you have heaps of friends? Not at all. Wait. Guys, can you make a heap? We'll try it next week and get back to you.

Do you have a best friend? ALICE THE CAMEL HAS! ONE HUMP!

Do you have more guy friends or more girl friends? I used to have almost all guy friends. We had a lot of fun together, but then shit happened and it was like, hey, where are my friends? Right now my good friends are predominantly female.

Do you ever get annoyed at any friends? Alice when she's lame. Haha, I don't know.

Have you ever lied to a friend? On a daily basis, in ways, but not my good friends.

Have you ever stolen a friends boyfriend/girlfriend? That'd be mean!


Do you like your parents? very much

Ever run away from home? no

Ever thought about it? in fits of childhood rage

Do you feel your parents spoil you? they provide for me...

Do you not get along with any of your family? If someone's being a bitch, it's probably me, but generally we get along.

Do you have big family get togethers ever? there was a wedding this past June...


Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? no ma'am and I'm liking it

Do you have a crush? multiple little ones

If so, are you in love? huh?

Do they know you like them? maybe... I'm not the most subtle girl...

Is it serious or playful? not serious

How long have you liked them? I said multiple little ones

Ever done something stupid to impress him? Usually the stupid things I do aren't to impress people.

Have you ever experienced unrequited love? and a great big yes

Do you find it romantic or hurtful? the most terrible enduring pain I've ever experienced

Even know what it is? obviously


Do you have a religion? no

Do you practice it i.e go to church? We go to the animal shelter every Sunday morning.

Do you believe in God? I want to and think I do.

Jesus? Well, he was a person wasn't he?

Satan? Eh... not in such a traditional sense.

Heaven? Yes, but again, not in such a traditional sense.

Hell? Yes, but again....

If you died tomorrow what do you believe will happen to you? I really don't know. I'd rather not think about this particular scenario, I'm not at all done with life yet, so I hope that doesn't happen.

Does death scare you? Yes, because I'm very attached to my life right now.


Have you ever been drunk? no

Taken drugs? only those prescribed to me

Stolen? glances? all the time

Shoplifted? no

Tried to commit suicide? no

Lied to a boyfriend or girlfriend? probably

Gotten into a fight? yes

Are you more innocent or guilty? that's so vague I can't answer it

Would you date a drug addict? I doubt it

Have you ever had to look after someone who was a drug addict? no

Are you racist? I hope not

Are you discriminatory to anyone? I am. I discriminate all the time in my head and heart towards those who have hurt me in the past.

Have you been a hypocrite in the past? I'm sure

Do you have an open or closed mind to other peoples beliefs and feelings? Depends on their beliefs... I don't have much tolerance for bigots- Hey! Here's an example of hyposcrisy right now!- but generally if someone has reasoning behind his opinions, I can respect that, and we can argue. I can't stand it when someone is like, "I love the president because he's president."


Do you watch tons of tv? no

How many times have you been to the movies in the past 6 months? I saw HP3 three times, and then a few other movies, so maybe six.

Do you listen to the radio often? at work and in my car

Do you read the newspaper? not regularly

Do you read magazines? Newsweek

Are you a couch potato? sometimes

Do you use the internet too much? probably


Whats your fave style of music? I don't think I have a favorite... though eighties pop is really great.

Do you play an instrument? shut up

Do you sing? hehehehehe

Whats your fave band(s)? I'M NOT MUSICALLY OPINIONATED but I love Maroon 5 and Avril and I also love folksy sounding stuff and I'm Scottish so there's that kind of stuff and OH YEAH Carole King and stuff.


Are you funny or serious? Sometimes people think I'm funny when I'm being serious.

Creative or not? not so much

Logical thinker or lateral thinker? Hmmm? Alice, you want to take this one for me?

Are you outgoing or shy? I used to be shy. No really, I did!

Are you lazy or active? Get this- I can be either.

Are you a naturally hyperactive person? no


Are you happy with the way you look? yes

What would you change? I usually wish to be a little thinner.

Do you wear makeup regularly? More and more often, it's a new thing.

Do you have a large wardrobe? It seems like you can never have enough clothes.


Do you have a job? I did over the summer.

Do you like it? I did!

Are you a saver or a spender? Like I said, it seems like you can never have enough clothes....

Do you work hard or slack off? I work.

Have you ever been fired? no

Ever had money stolen from you? yes

Are you always broke? no


Your all time most embarassing moment? How about... when I look back at all of last year....

Ever embarassed yourself and pretended nothing happened? I am a dancer, which means I get the opportunity to do this often.

Ever tripped in front of someone you liked? I fell on my ass the last night of Danceworks and there was probably someone I liked in the audience and oh man, it was so funny

Ever said soemthing really stupid? Never.

Ever snorted while laughing? I don't really do that generally.

Ever fallen off a bed? yes

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