Player Information
Name: Megan
Timezone: EST
Personal Journal: Talis_art
Players Contact/AIM/MSN/YAHOO: I don't...really have AIM or a chat service like that. But I do get email alerts on my phone so I check and reply pretty often.
Email Address:
Former/Other Characters in the RP: Nope. I'm brand-new.
How did you hear about us?: Oh man, I know this sounds just silly, but I was browsing tvtropes...
Character Information
Name: Pinkie Pie (According to one artist, her full name is Pinkamena Diane Pie, though that's not quite canon, so...)
Canon Origin/Series: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Official Website
School Year: 4th Year
Gender: Female
Age: 14
Out of school living location: Thornton, Lancashire.
Blood status: Well. Her mum and Granny are witches. Whether her dad was or not depends on what version of her mum's stories you believe.
Personality: Pinkie is just a tad bit strange. She's energetic and fast-paced, her conversation and thoughts often hopping from topic to topic in ways that barely seem to connect. She loves sweets and parties; if there's no reason to celebrate, she'll simply make one up. Many of her friends find it difficult to take her seriously, due to her strange and seemingly random behavior. The truth is, however, that Pinkie Pie can be very perceptive, demonstrating sometimes obscure knowledge. She's intuitive, and believes strongly in just accepting phenomena that doesn't seem to fit in with her world's magic system. Another strong principle of hers is to never break a promise, because that's the best way to lose a friend. FOREVERRRRRRRRRR. From a young age her Granny taught her to laugh in the face of her fears. Pinkie Pie has a somewhat bizarre tendency to burst into songs that she made up on the spot, much to the consternation of her friends.
Canon Background: Pinkie Pie was the first pony that Twilight Sparkle, the main character, met when she came to Ponyville to oversee preparations for the Summer Sun festival. She gasped loudly and zipped off without a word. It isn't until later in the episode that she's encountered again; apparently her over the top reaction was because she was running off to throw Twilight a welcome party. The day of the Summer Sun celebration, the princess is kidnapped by Nightmare Moon, who had previously been trapped in the moon. She and the other ponies follow Twilight Sparkle back to her house, where she helps find a book about the Elements of Harmony, which they'll need to banish Nightmare Moon (It was under Eeeeeeee~). They head off to the Everfree forest to find the Elements. Each of the ponies has to overcome a challenge using their individual skills. Hers happens to be calming down the entire group by laughing when they're freaking out about terrifying-looking enchanted trees. When they reach the ruins and start to activate them, it's revealed that she holds the Element of Laughter. Nightmare Moon is turned back into Luna, and the Princess is freed.
She appears in most episodes of the season, but is only the focus in a few of them. In Feeling Pinkie Keen it is revealed that she has a 'Pinkie Sense' that causes her to have feelings (like her tail twitching) that predict different events in the future. Twilight tries to analyze this Pinkie Sense, to no avail.
In Griffon the Brushoff, she follows Rainbow Dash around town, trying to get her attention, until Rainbow finally agrees to hang out with her. The two run around town, pulling pranks on various ponies and each other, until they come across Fluttershy. Pinkie Pie explains that you just DON'T prank Fluttershy; she's too timid and would take it badly. Rainbow agrees. Later, Rainbow Dash's friend Gilda, a Griffon, is over, and Pinkie begins to feel a little left out. She wonders to herself if her dislike for Gilda has to do with the way Gilda acts, or if she's just jealous. And then she sees Gilda pick on Fluttershy. Ain't nobody mess with Fluttershy and get away with it. She decides to throw Gilda a party to help her chill out. At the party Gilda activates a number of pranks and eventually blows up and yells at Pinkie. It turns out that Rainbow Dash was the one responsible for the pranks, and the Gilda leaves, upset.
In Swarm of the Century, she is shown gathering instruments while everyone tries to deal with the parasprites. They ignore her odd attempts, and she doesn't try to explain, but in the end it's revealed that the instruments are the proper method to get rid of the parasprites. Her obsession with not breaking promises is demonstrated in Green Isn't Your Color when she appears out of baskets of sponges, buckets of apples, and even somehow in a mirror in order to remind Twilight Sparkle that you have to keep a promise "Foreverrrrrrrrr".
Background (AU!Canon; HP): [Dog] Pinkie Pie grew up with her grandmother, whom she always referred to as Granny Pie. Her mother was always a little bit odd; her stories of Pinkie’s father ranged from the somewhat plausible (the milkman) to the downright bizarre (a powerful sea serpent who had magically created a child for her). She was allowed a lot of leeway as a child; playing with her mother’s wand, she somehow turned her corkscrew curls a bright shade of magenta. She was allowed to go wherever she wanted, and be as loud as she wanted to be. That changed somewhat when she was five years old. Her mum, who had been getting loopier and loopier over the years, left, after telling Pinkie to cover her eyes and count to a hundred. It’s the one game of hide-and-seek Pinkie never won.
After that, Pinkie was raised by her grandmother, who was much more strict, but also able to give her more guidance. She taught her old legends and strange wives tales. She taught her how to laugh at her fears. She also spent a lot of time next door, at the bakery and sweetshop. It was owned by Mr. and Mrs. Cake, who taught her to cook. They didn’t have any children of their own, and practically adopted her. When she received her Hogwarts letter, she almost didn’t go. A part of her just wanted to stay and run the shop. Granny Pie reminded her that if she went she’d get to make friends her own age, and throw lots of parties. So she left.
At Hogwarts, she was quickly sorted and settled into her school life. She made it her business to know of as many of the other students as possible, and even to memorize their birthdays. She also explored the castle, getting lost constantly, but by now she has the ability to pop out of the oddest places. She approaches homework and classes eagerly, but often missing the point. She does, however, love divination, though she usually cheats using an uncanny sense of what will happen, and then making up symbols afterwards. [days]
How would your character fit in to each House?
Gryffindor: Pinkie is very brave. Her way of dealing with her fears is to laugh in their face. She can also be incredibly impulsive, and has a lot of energy.
Hufflepuff: She's very persistent, and won't give up under any circumstances (unless something particularly shiny distracts her, that is). She's incredibly accepting of anyone and everyone.
Ravenclaw: Even though on the outside she seems a bit crazy, she actually does know a lot. She just can be a bit scatterbrained. She also demonstrates a strange ability to find books almost instantly, even when her friends have searched for hours.
Slytherin: Pinkie can seem almost creepy with her ability to appear right behind you, even if you know you just saw her out the window, two floors below.
Sample Journal Entry: [ Her handwriting is round and and almost childish, spattered with tiny inkdrops where she flicks her quill too quickly at the end of each letter. It meanders across the page, diagonally and occasionally horizontally, ignoring the lines altogether] I finally got a new journal! Aren't you excited? I'm excited! I mean, I'm sure I could've found that last one--Maybe I baked it into a pie last summer? No! I bet I left it under the seat on the train! That makes much more sense, because the trains have these huuuuuuuuuuuuge compartments under them, and one time this guy bet me I couldn't fit in one (this was my first year here, I was teeeeny) and I fit inside and so I won the bet and he had to give me a chocolate frog and he tried to give me one but EW it was opened and I didn't want his boy germs on it so I said "HEY" and told him he'd better give me one with the wrapper still on!!! --I acted all mean but secretly I just wanted the card, because I'm collecting those, you know? I stick them up on my wall back home and pretend they're all waving to me! It's like having extra friends! You can never have enough friends! I have lots and LOTS of friends, of course. You're my friend, right? Yes you, reading this in class when you should be doing that worksheet. Speaking of which, what's the homework? I wrote it down but then I turned the paper into an airplane because I wanted to get a ghost's attention and he was just floating away from me and I was like "EURGH. HOW RUDE." So wanna know what I did? I chased him down and-- [ the entry is broken off, where she evidently lost interest and instead covered the bottom half of the page with doodles of balloons and cupcakes. ]
Sample Interaction Post in Third Person: "Granny, look at this! We don't have any ribbons! It turned it strings!" The curly-headed teenager looks around, and dumps the load on top of the mantlepiece, dislodging a framed portrait, which crashes to the floor. The small clay jar of floo powder wobbles, and Pinkie nudges it back to safety with her elbow as she turns back to the older woman.
"How am I supposed to make robots? I can't make my bed without robots, and I make robots without string!"
Calmly, Granny Pie disagrees, turning to a new page. "String does all the things ribbon does, dear."
"Except shine! Shining is very, very important! That's why I have this!" She grabs at the plastic bucket, swinging it around with a proud grin. Only centrifugal force keeps the contents from flying out. "It's sparklesseeds! I dug every single one out of the flowers in the old field!" She pauses. "You know...I could make the STRING shine with the SEEDS! Brilliant! Of course! That way the whole thing's unified, you know. Just because they're robots doesn't mean they can't be art too! Yeah! I bet that’d make Mr. Robot-to-be super happy!" Grinning at the obvious solution to her dilemma, she carefully gathers up the assorted ingredients, balancing the duckie on her head for good measure. "Bye, Grannie! I'm gonna go make some robots now!" She skittered back up the creaking stairs without a backwards glance.
"That's nice, dear." Her grandmother replied, turning the page again.