hey steeeve! i'll get you steve, if its the last thing i dooooo... yeah, sorry, the evil monkey in my closet keeps slipping out at night and injecting me w/ shit... i told my mom, but she doesn't believe me for some reason. and my dad, i think he's the owner of the damn hairy thing...
K, so the koolest person ever, my sexretary, hooked me up w/ my pix for the site and its soooo kool im like, an official sell-out now, but whoever wants to mess, bring it all i gotta say, so burn in hell if u got a problem mozeltav!
I'm freakin out man... U are freakin out, man. Shiot! These are some pretty trippy fuckin colors. I'm still completely jealous of aimees page. Can we say, "acid land, trip of the century"...
k, so i got a l.j. now, but cant get a pic i don't have a fuckin digital camera, so i cant do that and no one wants to see me ne ways and i cant find a good pic on line wtf chuck! help, someone, ne one...