This is actually a great article. I love the idea of breaking down big projects into manageable bits, with lots of permission for making mistakes and low expectations for perfection.
It's a good kick-in-the-pants for people who spend a lot of time worrying about what to do next instead of just DOING. (Moi.)
ALSO, a happy belated "another pass around the sun" to you and your love!
Still haven't read it, but did listen to the Ira Glass interview at the end of it while chopping up dinner: a very encouraging message! ANd thanks for the bdy wish!
Comments 2
It's a good kick-in-the-pants for people who spend a lot of time worrying about what to do next instead of just DOING. (Moi.)
ALSO, a happy belated "another pass around the sun" to you and your love!
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