Title: Into the Fold
Author: Pasi
Rating: 15
Category: Gen
Fic Summary: Severus Snape is going straight to hell. The people he calls his friends are helping him get there.
Chapter Summary: Lord Voldemort concludes Occlumency lessons with Severus Snape.
Chapter Index (
Chapter Thirty-three: Bellatrix's Examination )
Comments 2
He wasn't ready to meet Bellatrix Lestrange.
Heh. Excellent about-turn.
I've found that Bella's uninhibited nature adds a power to her magic that her fellows lack.
O RLY? I love the comparison between Bella's Legilimency and Severus's other experiences of it.
As for the ending - I love what a novel idea this is to Severus! It's such a fait accompli in the books, his reaction here is very interesting.
As I said, I'll be posting once a week or so--if you can't get to the chapters before then, I welcome your comments at any point in the process.
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