Hello there!
So, by now you might have realised that I'm a fandom newbie. At least, the active part of fandom: I've lurked for ages. This means two things: 1) This is all mildly terrifying to me, and 2) whatever you do, I'll be deliriously happy about it, because this'll be one of the first gifts I receive. So no pressure!
So, about me: I like a lot of things. I like everything from fluff to dark!fic, although I shy away from the extremes - don't make my teeth decay with sweetness and keep a little humour amidst the gloom and doom and you'll be okay. I'm a multishipper, I like het, slash and femslash, smut's great but not an absolute must. I'm very open minded kink-wise, the only hard noes are things like bestiality, scat and parental incest. Dubcon is fine, I'm not too fond of non-con but it's not a trigger or anything. I'm pretty much unshockable - years of exposure to fanfiction can do that to a person.
I have a thing for (in no specific order) evil masterminds and their loyal henchmen/women, hands, voices/accents, eye-contact, competence, understated control/dominance, power dynamics, irony, knights in sour armor, badass unapologetic women, languages, history, intelligence (sapiosexual!)
I dislike static power relations (no fifty shades of gray please), porn without emotional undercurrent, too much schmoop
On to my fandoms:
How do I love DW, let me count the ways. No, seriously, I adore this series, because of its humour, its characters, the underlying morality... My favourite character is Vimes, but I chose Monstrous Regiment because of Mal. She/he's the classical snarky experienced vampire of the world, but because it's Pratchett she also has insecurities and doubts. And Polly's the sort of practical, down-to-earth getting-things-done girl that I like reading about.
Richard III
I'll be honest here and say that I don't know nearly enough Shakespeare as I should. That said, I adore characters that get kicked in the teeth by life but that fought back, I love villain protagonists and guile heroes, and Richard is the magnificent bastard to end all magnificent bastards.But specifically: I want to see that wooing scene, and I want to see what's really happening there. The man seduces a grieving widow while standing next to her late father-in-law's corpse, and I want to know how he pulls that off. Give Anne a voice, if you please.
(Oh, by the way author, I got hooked on Richard III because of
Andrew Scott's performance as Gloucester in Simon Schama's Shakespeare, so that's who I'll be imagining.)
I love community because of the meta-humour, but also because of the worldview. Jeff is a bastard, even though he's got reasons and excuses for it, and Annie might appear to be innocent but she's proven she can be devious when she needs to be. They'd make a wonderful and very scary couple, if you ask me, and I want to see that. Doesn't really matter where or when, it can be future!fic, firsttime!fic, day-in-the-life-fic, whatever you want.
The Thick of It
Evil genius and his henchman. I like that scrape away all the deep-seated cynicism and agression, there's still some sort of idealism left. And even though Jamie only showed up three times, he's my favourite. Give me more Jamie/Malcolm, author, in whatever form you want.
I'm not really sure what else to put here. I have a
tumblr, where you can get some idea of the things I like, if you need to know more.
Good luck!