Spell your name backwards: adnama
Birthdate: May 4th 1988
Birth place: Miami Fl
Current Location: PSl fl
Eye Color: blue
Hair Color: blonde
Zodiac Sign: taurus
Describe yourself in 4 words: lazy,londely,bored,aldhla
Who is your worst enemy? Can't say her name.
If you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be? a blu ringed octopus.. extremely deadly :)
describe your...
Wallet: zebra print and red
Jewelery worn daily: 2 shell neclaces, gold neclace with 2 rings.. 4 rings 7 earings together Yepumm my blak n white bracelt and this silver one
Sunglasses: i have my trucker glases i love em
Cologne/Perfume: Ana SUi-dolly girl and ralph lauren
CD in stereo right now: No Doubt - beaconstreet collection
Tattoos: none
Piercings: used to have belly button.. 4 left ear 3 right.
Makeup: foundation, eyeliner, mascara, eyeshadow,.
Do you like candles: yes
Do you like hot wax: no
Do you like incense: depends
Fetishes: guys with long hair!!!
Do you believe in love: Sure.
Do you believe in soulmates: who knows?
Do you believe in love at first sight: yes
Do you believe in forgiveness: depends on the situation.
Your fears: not sure..
One thing you'd like to achieve: become a marine bio
Your most overused phrase on aim: LOL
The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: hair..ol
Your favorite curse word: sheeeit
Sing well: noo
Want to go to college: yes
Been on stage: ummm yes
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: not inparticularily.
Best eye color: gwho cares
four beverages you drink frequently
1. water
2. tea
four tv shows you liked when you were a kid
1. Ninja Turtles
2. Rugrats
3. little bear
4. Winnie The Pooh
four places to go in your area
1. the damn mall
2. sfsdp (swing)
3. wal-mart?
4. psl sux its so boring nothing!
four things to do when you're bored
1. Internet
2. Music
3. Phone
4. Go out
four things that never fail to cheer you up
2. revenge, plotting people i hate's death..
3. money
4. sleep
5. talking to the people i like..or seeing the person i like i guess
four things you can't live without
1. Internet
2. Computer
3. fone
4. money money
seven things you dislike
1. Jealous & bitchy ass girls.
2. people who type like this: oMIGaWd u GuYzz1!1!11
3. man whores
4. guys who are possesive
5. animal abusers
6. double standards
seven things on your desk
1. phone
2. cds
3. purfume
4. earrings
5. computer
6. lotion
7. geetar pickz
Fave food: MEXICAN!!
Fave color: bLuE!
Fave movie: white oleander, anythng with ben stiller or owen wilson
Fave Animal: cat,fish
Fave Holiday: Christmas
Fave T.V. Show: Degrassi!
Fave Actor: Ben Stiller
Fave Actress: Gwen Stefani..lol
Hottest Guy/Girl: Hmm Elijah WOod lol
Fave band: NO DOUBT!!!
Fave Friends: ernies the only person i talk to any more thats nice
Fave Hangout: mall?.
Fave sport: i like to watch sk8n
Are you in a relationship right now: no
Pepsi or Coke: neither.. tea!
Beach or Snow: beach.. all the sweet marine amimals :)
Rainy or Sunny: cold with no sun or rain
Square or Circle: circle
Dark or Bright: bright.. liek orange and y eller!
Have a best friend, if so who: hahahahahahah!
Speak another language: a little FRENCH.. LOL
Drive: yes
Have a car: not yet..soon tho :)
Who have you known the longest right now: Jamie
Who do you talk to online the most: ernie
Who do you talk to on the phone most: ernie
Who do you trust the most: i duno
Who listens to your problems: who ever i can get to listen
Who do you fight with the most: my soo called "best friends"
cussed someone out: yes
gone a day w/out eating: yes.. u can tell by lookn @ me thats a No
talked on the phone all night: yehh
been in bed w/the opposite sex: like, sex? sleeping yes..lol
been out of the country: no
told a guy/girl you loved them: no
kissed someone you didn't know: yes...in a way