In proof that it wasn't just a bad photo I posted... here are some more of the infamous Karen O:
...and a little tidbit i found off their website that got up my nose... thought i'd share it.
From a magazine interview with Debbie Harry... I am sure that if she had a longer hairstyle, she'd be a lot more attractive. Then again, maybe she just doesn't care. Good on her for that.
Yep, needing some length around that face...
This is an 'art' piece on their website. Again, I don't get the humour (if it's supposed to be humour), nor do I see any artistic integrity behind it... but i'm also into more classic forms of art - ie. art that depicts emotion in a realistic format. I'm not really into political art or the like... personal taste.
I mean honestly... how artistic is it to have a band member wearing a t-shirt with the french word for bread on it... brandishing a piece of bread stamped with the letters INRI (IESVS NAZARENVS REX IVDAEORVM or in English - Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews) and another piece with Yeah written on it. How the hell does that portray anything? Is he a member of the band who is French, likes bread a lot and is also a Catholic?
Can you tell I'm bored??