Well, another year has gone by.... Today is our three year anniversary. Ay yi yi... I can't believe it has already been three years! That seems like a long time to me. It feels like just yesterday, but it also feels like a long time...
Anyways, I'm sure you're used to this by now. Every year on our anniversary, I like to go back and look at the past year, post pics, and talk about everything we've been through and done together. Don't know if you guys care, but I love to have these entries to look back on! So here goes...
April 2008:
We moved out of the HELL hole of the Glenbriar house with devil and devilette. Amy, Sean, and I got a place at the Waterstone Apartments. We did a lot of pool side days and nights with Erin, Jack, Henry, Jamie, and Brian, and dinners at Ken's. Those days lasted all through summer as well. We house sat at my brother's in Brentwood for a week, which is always fun cuz he has a really nice house, fully stocked with anything you would need.
May 2008:
May consisted of dress shopping for Lo's weddings, Blue Fin for Marissa's b-day, Lauren King coming down and staying with us, and ending it with a camping trip for Memorial Day weekend.
Sean and I had a little rocky middle of May, but we were able to work past it and come back together stronger.
The camping trip we went on was super fun! We went with Kurt and Becca, and a few of his friends. It rained that weekend, but the campground we were at was perfect for it. The trees totally blocked us and we didn't get wet at all. Then when the sun came out we went and played volleyball, basketball and football. It was soooooo much fun!
In June, Kurt came to LAC with us. We met up with Amy and Alyssa there and rocked out.
Then in the middle of June, we went on our bi-annual trip to McCloud with Sean's dad, uncle, and grandparents. Lindsey (Sean's dad's girlfriend) came this time which was super cool!
We ended June with a trip up to Joe & Melissa's which was a BLAST! I absolutely loved being out in the country (duh) and Sean loved Joe's grandma's donkey.
4th of July was spent at Doug & Erica's which was super fun. The whole street lit off hundreds of dollars worth of fireworks which was awesome. Then the next weekend was the trip to Lake Tulloch with my family. They rented out a huge house that overlooked the lake. It was AWESOME!!!!!!
I am soooooooooooooo getting a tan this summer. Thank God I'm skinnier. ughhh!
Also in June was Katy's reception which was soooooooooooooo much fun! Sean and I were some of the last guests to leave. In fact, we ended up leaving with Katy & Jimmy and going back to their house with them to hang out. I ended that month with an A's game with my daddy.
August was full of all sorts of fun. It started off with a trip to SF with Henry, Brian, and Lo. We went out to dinner and then to the Castro to a gay bar. I had sooooooooooooooo much fun! Sean had a good time too until he got really badly hit on. He handled it really well though and didn't let it ruin his night. Lo and I had so much fun dancing without guys hitting on us. ahhh... I want to go again!
Then my cousin turned 21 finally! We went to his bbq with all our huge family. His birthday cake had 3 shots on top of it and after everyone sang him happy birthday he was supposed to drink one. Since there was 3, he gave the other 2 to me and Sean to drink with him :) Yeah, he's pretty awesome. After the bbq, we stayed and went with Joey to his friend's house. It was an all around fantastic night.
Just a few days later Sean and I left for Florida!! It was by far, the best vacation ever. Not only was Florida itself a ton of fun, but we got to do everything with Sean and Stephy. It was the best. Too bad I was at my fattest ever. lol
A few days after we got back was Lo's bachelorette party. Woooo weeeee... what a fun night out with the girl's!
Seany and I got to go to a Giants game this month. Even though it was the Giants, it was still nice to go to that stadium cuz we had never been. Martin and Lo got married!! I also started training for the 5k this month and we got our little Lily Ann this month too!
Seany turned 24 this month and we had some people over for his b-day. Then on the weekend we went out to kurt's in Alameda then to San Francisco to eat on the pier. Towards the end of the month we went to my brother's to bbq and pumpkin carve (the kids) with the family. We also had a pumpkin carving night at Doug's and spent Halloween there as well which was super fun!
November was kind of a bittersweet month. Spencer was born which was fantastic. We went to see him, Doug and Erica in the hospital. But unfortunately, this was the month that Holly passed away. That was a sad, sad time, but Seany was there for me as always. My birthday was at the end of the month, along with Brody being born! For my birthday, we went to Musashi's and had a combined b-day dinner with Mariana. It was nice.
This month I ran my 5k! Sean had to do his work program that day, so he wasn't able to come and watch. He was soooo supportive though and always told me how insanely proud of me he was :) We decorated the apartment Griswald status and played Christmas music ALL month :) New Years Eve we had people over which started out good, but went a little rocky. We went out with a bang for 2009! hehe
We went to Dublin to see My Bloody Valentine with a big group. We also went to Lake Elizabeth with Kurt and a couple friiends.
In January, Sean also won us tickets to go on a Zeppelin (like a blimp) with the Woody Show!
We went to the Super Bowl at Doug's house and had a blast as always.
Lily got spayed and was absolutely miserable the first night we brought her home....
For Valentines Day, we were unfortunately broke. Seany was upset that it was the first year he couldn't get me flowers, so he planned on taking me for a drive. So on Saturday, we hopped in the car and drove through the hills. He showed me this beautiful winery he delivers to, then we stopped and ate some food, and then drove to see our old apartment in San Ramon. It was a lovely day!
Later in the month was my brother Dave's award ceremony. He was nominated for Officer of the Year! It was soooo much fun. Unfortunately he didn't win, but there was only 3 of them nominated out of 400, so that's pretty okay in our eyes :)
This month we have taken the dogs to the park, which they LOVE. Louie loves to go down the slide. Louie also turned 3 a couple weeks ago! Our little boy is growing up soooooo fast!
Well that about catches us up to our eventful year. Things are absolutely wonderful with us right now. Honestly, they have never been better. I love that we constantly talk about our wedding one day and that we have the same ideas. I love how we have routines for everything and they all involve us working together. When we cook dinner at night, we cook together, and clean together. He helps me put laundry away, we both clean house, he tells me how beautiful he thinks I am every single day and is never afraid to tell me how much he loves me. When I want to do something silly, he'll say, "I don't really want to, but if that's what you really want to do, that's fine." We can talk about anything and everything together. He is the definiton of a best friend, and I couldn't ask for a better one. Here's to three years, and many more to come.....