People disgust me. This guy AND the mother have no business being parents. If my baby's daddy was on any sort of drug I would be going straight to the police to get full custody. The dad could see their child when they decided to clean up their life. Children have no business being around someone like that and for that, I blame the mother as well. Especially showing up there and her son telling her he was scared. Shame on her for ignoring and leaving her son.
I'm going off on a tangent here.....
I'm just so tired of seeing people having babies and not taking it seriously. Every thing you do affects that child. Every one has the right to make their own decisions on what they think is right and wrong with parenting, but personally, anything that I do not want my child doing, I won't be doing as a mother.
It's nice living with Doug and Erica and being around people that just LOVE their baby so much. They take great care of him, yet still manage to be young and have fun. They limit themselves. They keep a clean house, and do everything they can for Spence. I love seeing that.
Speaking of mothers, has anyone see Changeling? Eff that movie. That movie made me so mad and angry. ughhhhh It was a good movie, just so angering and sad.
Okay, I really need to go do my hmwk. It's already two days late. I really need to stop being such a slacker in this class. blahhhhhh