Title: dream catcher
Pairing: Taecyeon/Junsu
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 608
Notes: The shift of tissue and bone, and the feeling of not wanting to be alone.
Taecyeon had worried vaguely about the state of him after his operation(s)-- after a round anesthesia and a dose of painkillers, Junsu's eyes are dark, clouded thickly this time, and he's unwavering from his phone, still refusing to eat. There's too much pain, he says, speech a little warbled by the inflamed tissue of his jaw, and chin the skin bruising beneath the bandage, along with dried blood.
He starts wearing his masks a little higher, because he's prone to bloody noses more now, even after his sinus procedure. Taecyeon makes sure he's consistent with his antibiotics, and takes special care to remind him to eat because otherwise he'll catch him kneeling near the toilet, again, the strain of his stomach and chest causing yet another bloody nose..
Junsu gets so fed up he eventually cries, and Taec doesn't mind, being stuck to holding pressure against his nose, to stop the flood of blood because he's too upset to do it himself-- he says he's never been this miserable, and that he wants a break, that he wants to see his mom, and he wants to sleep without the groggy pain muddling his thoughts.
Junsu gets cheeky and petulant when he's sick, too, and he spends too much on boxes of popsicles, and he lets the other borrow his phone and rack up airtime with his mother, because the notion, the way Junsu smiles when he gets to hear her voice, words soothing as she babies him.. just the notion pulls the other's line of gravity a little closer to his.
Even though the way those eyes look at him, sometimes, he's got the mind to think maybe there's feelings there, because it can't be random--he knows Junsu enough to know that he doesn't bury his face into his shoulder unless it's to be close. Junsu wouldn't tell him that he wanted something of it--that he's always wanted something of it, unless he wanted it--wants it. He's sincere in the way he uses his chest as shelter, and his body for warmth, when he starts to recovery. It isn't the medicine, either, because 'Su asks him to be his dreamcatcher, because otherwise the medicine brings a sick bout of nightmares, just when he's drifted off, and it's become inconvenient.
He says he'll pay him in affection, and he's truthfully never seen Junsu joke like this before, showing a line of beautiful white teeth when he laughs, tone chiming on because sure, his mind's a little affected by the medicine.
He--Junsu--thinks the fans might have forgotten they're only human, that they haven't surpassed being human, and won't--his face tells him that much, even if smiling feels easier, now.
"You're definitely human. Who knew your body was full of so much blood?" Taecyeon says charmingly, hoarsely even though he shouldn't be talking at all, really. Junsu gives him an alarmed look at first, only to realize it was a joke, because haha, he'd spent the entire morning stopping nose bleeds, and removing bandages.
"But you're healing.." Taec tells him, fingers tracing over areas reformed, only ceasing his touch when Junsu flinches, because the feeling is different there, now-- a little odd. "Definitely healing-- your smile's confident."
"So the hell wasn't for nothing?" Junsu asks, his voice elated, clear now that the swelling had gone, along with the emptiness pooling in his eyes.
He wants to tell Junsu that he thinks he's brave, courageous.. but instead, he kisses him, complimenting him on the choice he made as a tongue presses past parted lips and teases over the wake of sharp teeth, and his hands find the spots that were dull in sensation and feeling a few weeks before-- only now he can feel him react, and turn into his fingertips easily, needy.