Title: 'Cause I'm Burnin' Up (For You Baby)
Pairing: Kai/D.O
Genre: Fluff? Humour?
Rating: PG-15
Word Count: 1.2k
Summary: Jongin and Kyungsoo both want to take each other to bed, but for completely different reasons entirely.
A/N: I'm really sick rn and I absolutely hate being sick but it made me think of that episode in Friends when Monica gets sick so then I thought of this. So yeah, it's almost entirely based on that episode. (So I take NO credit for most of the storyline/dialogue!!!) And title from Jo Bro's song. Ah good times.
Also I'm completely new to this and the whole fic-writing world so forgive me if this is really noobish and mediocre.
Kyungsoo hates Jongin sometimes. Hates how kindhearted and selfless he is. Hates how sweet and considerate he is. And he especially hates how Jongin's main priority is to make sure Kyungsoo is always happy and healthy. Jongin's gentle demeanor was truly dispicable.
Kyungsoo felt especially annoyed with his boyfriend when Jongin insisted on coddling him when he got sick. And Kyungsoo never gets sick. Ever. He is also in denial about his ill health even though he was sent home from his own restaurant because his fellow cooks didn't want him near the food whilst he was in this state. Slightly miffed and completely convinced he was perfectly healthy, Kyungsoo had no choice but to return to his apartment, and to Jongin. The thought of seeing his boyfriend's bright smile made him feel better though, as all he wanted to do was cuddle in bed with him (among many other things).
What Kyungsoo did not want when he got home, however, was to be wrestled into his big fluffy robe and about fifty different blankets - courtesy of Jongin of course.
"What are you doing?!" Kyungsoo screeches indignantly with a scratchy, stuffy-nose induced voice.
"You're sick, Soo, you need to keep warm and rest up!" Jongin pushed his boyfriend down on the couch to try to get him to sit still.
"But I'm fine! I haven't been sick in almost two years! Being sick is for losers and weaklings!" Kyungsoo then broke into a hoarse coughing fit, clearly proving his point completely. Jongin winced and felt his heart go out for his boyfriend at the poor sight.
"Soo, you're not fine, okay. Just let me do this for you, and you'll feel good in no time. Now just lay down, and I'll get you some soup and medicine. We need to get you better, okay?" Jongin tutted over Kyungsoo furiously, clearly worried about him.
Ten minutes later saw Jongin sitting on the couch beside his boyfriend, spoon feeding him soup and occasionally handing him tissues to blow his nose with.
"You know what? Let's do something crazy! Why don't we go for a round or two, right here, right now?" Kyungsoo exclaims, not wanting to be coddled by Jongin like he was some five year old kid.
"Um, I don't think that's a good idea, Soo, you need to rest and drink lots of fluids right now. You have a bad fever and probably a cold, maybe even the flu," Jongin replies distractedly, putting the soup away on the table and placing a damp washcloth on Kyungsoo's forehead.
"Aw come on! I'm not sick, I'm fine! And if you truly loved me, you would go to bed with me!" The totally not sick male pouted, annoyed now.
"No offense, babe, but I really don't think we should have sex when you're sick like this." Jongin grimaced slightly, seeing Kyungsoo's runny nose and completely red face.
"Well duh, Jongin, that would be gross! It's a good thing I'm not sick, then. Let me prove it to you," he then moves the mountain of blankets off of himself to try and straddle Jongin, who in turn tries to push him back down onto the couch.
"Soo, stop it, okay! We can't do this right now. You need to rest so you can recover!" It took all of Jongin's willpower to deny him because after all, he was still his boyfriend. Kyungsoo pouts even harder, completely peeved now because he has needs, dammit.
"Fine. I guess you don't love me." Kyungsoo then storms off to the bathroom, leaving Jongin dumbfounded on the couch at his boyfriend's complete change in attitude. He figured Kyungsoo would calm down eventually as he hears the rustling of the shower curtains and then the shower start a moment later.
It wasn't until fifteen minutes later when Jongin hears Kyungsoo exit the bathroom, wearing his robe again. He stood in front of him where he was sitting on the couch, watching TV.
"Jongin, I think I'm sick," Kyungsoo shuffles awkwardly in front of him, sniffling and pushing his damp hair back in the way he knows his boyfriend really likes. It's all for show of course, he still has a mission, after all.
"Aw, you really think so, baby?" Jongin tried not to sound too condescending, but he's glad Kyungsoo's finally seeing it his way.
"Ugh, yes, I admit it. I feel horrible! Please, can you rub this on my chest?" Kyungsoo holds up a small tub of Vicks VapoRub, hoping to lure Jongin in. He sees his boyfriend look suspiciously at the ointment, not believing how easily this was becoming.
"No no no no, Soo, you're not gonna get me this way!" Jongin had a feeling this was a trap.
"Oh, please. I just need your help, I'm not doing anything!" Kyungsoo insisted, trying to get Jongin to catch the bait.
"No! I refuse!" Jongin shook his head, adamant on not getting tricked by his coniving lover.
"Fine! I'll do it myself," Kyungsoo huffs. Jongin just averts his eyes back to the television, glad to have avoided his boyfriend's tricks, for now.
When Jongin looks back at Kyungsoo, however, he abruptly chokes on his spit at the sight before him.
Kyungsoo has pushed his robe down to his waist, revealing his prettily flushed chest and lightly toned adomen. He's rubbing the ointment on himself slowly, sensually. His eyes are closed and once in a while, he moans softly at the cool vapor medicine touching his feverish skin. Jongin gulps loudly and quickly looks down at his lap and back up again, blushing profusely because he feels a problem arising because of his sly boyfriend.
"So you're just gonna...keep rubbing yourself?" Jongin asks shyly, more aroused than he probably should be from this.
"Mm hmm," Kyungsoo hums, still trailing his fingers from his nipples to his throat, now directly staring into Jongin's eyes.
"It's..uh..nice," to Kyungsoo's satisfaction, his boyfriend sounds very nervous. Feigning surprise, he says,
"Are you seriously getting turned on by this?"
"Um..yeah..maybe.." Jongin says pitifully. Kyungsoo almost laughs at how funny this situation is becoming. "So, you still want to, uh, go to bed?" Jongin suggests after an awkward silence.
"But I'm sick! That wouldn't be a good idea, Jong," Kyungsoo objects with a smirk.
"Oh come on, you big faker!"
"What happened to no sleeping with sick people?" Kyungsoo asks, just for the fun of it.
"Well, that was before...you were doing all that vaporizing action!" Jongin sounds so desperate, Kyungsoo has to try hard not to snort.
"Then, I guess if you want to..." Kyungsoo pulls his boyfriend up from the couch, hiding his triumphant smile.
"Okay!" Jongin proceeds to run to the bedroom, stripping his clothes along the way.
Kyungsoo looks at nowhere in particular, a wicked smirk on his face.
"Worked like a charm."