Application for solaur_eclipse

Aug 05, 2010 22:41

Mun Information:
Name: Sarah
Age: As old as my tongue and a little older then my teeth (also well over 21)
Messenger: Sarah1818
Where did you hear from us?: The mun for reluctantpawn  told me

Character Information:
Name: Remus John Lupin
Canon: Harry Potter (books, not movies)
Point in Canon: February 1997 (Somewhere between chapters 17 and 21 of Half Blood Prince, where he’s undercover with the werewolf pack)
Age of Character: 36
Gender: Male
Physical Description: His chest, upper arms and to a lesser extent lower arms and legs are covered in scars. There are two jagged scars on his hip, which would have looked like two rows of teeth on a small boy but have stretched out over the years. He’s also painfully thin and looks older then 36 by at least a decade.

Personality: Remus is a man shaped by the tragedies of his life. At the age of six he was bitten by a werewolf, and from that point on spent the nights of the full moon in terrible pain as his body shaped and reshape itself, bones and muscles breaking and stretching to turn into the wolf and then, with moonset, back into the human. And during these in between hours he would bite and scratch himself, leaving scars that cover much of his body. In Remus’ world werewolves are considered to be less then human by most wizards, so not only did he have to cope with the physical affects of being bitten, but the societal ones. His family was, thankfully, able to keep most people from finding out what happened, but that meant Remus had a heavy secret to carry. His childhood was a lonely one, with no real friends (he was very close to his parents and grandparents). As a wizard going to muggle school he couldn’t invite anyone home, and as a werewolf with a secret he and his parents did not spend too much time mixing with other wizards. The already introverted Remus became even quieter, living in his books more then he lived in the real world. And walking. From a young age Remus learned that he enjoyed long solitary walks; over time they would become the way he sorted things out in his head. And escape would become his coping mechanism.

Everything changed when Remus turned ten and Albus Dumbledore, headmaster at Hogwarts, came to tea, offering Remus a chance that no other werewolf had been given before. A way in which he could go to the school that should have been his birthright, had he no been bitten. For this reason Dumbledore will always have his complete and unswerving loyalty. He would have to keep what he was a secret, from everyone except the headmaster and the matron, Poppy Pomfrey, who would take him to a guarded place for his transformations and care for him the day after. Remus agreed to every stipulation, and on September 1, 1971 he boarded the train to school. It was on this train ride that he met the people that would shape the rest of his life. James Potter and Sirius Black were as different from Remus as it was possible to be, but they took him under their wing, making him third in their group of four boys, the group that would come to be called ‘The Marauders.’ Fourth in their group was a boy named Peter, who would betray them all. Also on the train was Lily Evans, the first girl Remus ever became friends with, and the closest thing he ever had to a sister. And then there was Severus Snape. A boy as quiet and withdrawn as Remus, he should have been a friend, but for too many years was a foe. Remus was, and is, unceasingly loyal to his friends, and as James and especially Sirius hated Snape, there was no hope for a friendship between Snape and Remus.

Being friends with James and Sirius brought out a side of Remus that had been long dormant. He learned to tease, and be teased. He discovered that he had a rather wicked, if sometimes morbid, sense of humour. His friends were well known for their pranks, and despite the fact that he was a prefect and sometimes tried to stop them, more often then not he participated. And sometimes planned them. James, Sirius and Peter became brothers to him, and the only shadow in his life was the monthly transformations, and the fact that he had to lie about where he went each month. It was during their second year at school that his friends confronted him; they knew what he was. While Remus prepared himself for the loss of the friendships that meant so much to him, he was instead embraced even more by his friends, who dedicated themselves to finding a way to make his transformation more bearable.

Remus, from this point on, was unfailingly loyal to his friends, even to the point at which he could not stop them from picking on other people, like Severus Snape. While he did not participate in the hazing he felt guilty for standing by and watching. He also forgave his friends anything they did, even when it almost lead to his getting hurt, possibly getting expelled or worse. He is not blind to the faults of the people he is loyal to, at least not completely, but he accepts them without reservation, and sometimes to the detriment of others of himself. Other then his fellow Marauders there were few that received his trust and loyalty so completely. Albus Dumbldore was one. Lily Evan another.

This friendship continued to grow to the exclusion of virtually any other relationship. The Marauders were inseperable throughout their school years and the four years after school. Dark years, if not for this friendship, as they fought a war against a powerful wizard, joining a secret organization led by their headmaster called the Order of the Pheonix. As the war became darker and harder, though, cracks began to form. Remus, quiet and reserved even during the best of times, became even more so as he was sent on secret missions by Dumbledore. Some of his missions had to do with meeting with dark creatures, a position that he was put in by the very thing he most hated; his werewolf blood. Ashamed and sometimes sworn to secrecy he pulled away from his friends when he needed the most. When it was learned that information was being leaked by someone, information that compromised the Order and led to deaths, too many secrets existed between him and his friends. His loyalty was doubted and so he wasn’t told about one of the most fateful moments in the war, a moment that left two of his best friends dead and the third in prison. The war ended but the cost was almost too high for Remus to pay.

The moment Remus sobered up from a week long bender he left England, and didn’t return for 12 years. He mourned the loss of his friends; not only James and Sirius and Peter and Lily, but the Prewitt brothers, the Longbottoms, Marlene, Benjy; so many of those he had gone to school with and fought alongside were dead, or as good as. He was a man haunted, and as such he rarely stayed in one place for long. The day long walks he’d taken as a child turned into months long hikes, sometimes crossing entire countries without stopping longer then a few hours at a time to sleep. Sometimes he would stay for a few months on one place; a monastery in Greece, a village in Tibet.

It was Albus that brought him back, giving him a purpose that ended his nomad ways. Voldemort was returning, and James’ son needed protecting. It was, perhaps, the only thing that could make him face his past, bringing him face to face with Harry, the son James and Lily orphaned when they died, Hogwarts, the one place he had really felt was home, Severus Snape, who with good reason was suspicious of him, and his memories of what seemed like another life.

Now the wizarding world is at war again, and Remus is in thee middle of it, fighting battles and trying to protect James’ son, taking orders from Dumbledore and losing even more friends. Peter, not really dead, was revealed to be the traitor. Sirius, escaped from prison, only lived for two years before dying in battle. And now Remus is living with the werewolves, led by Greyback the man who bit him and turned him, trying to stop them from joining Voldemort or at least find out what they are doing.

Due to his werewolf blood and the amount of energy needed to turn a man into a wolf and back into a man, Remus burns calories to a ridiculous degree. He can eat as much as he wants and stay thin; he also gets painfully thin when he doesn’t have enough to eat. Like any good Englishman Remus loves his tea. His chief addiction, however, is chocolate. To a lesser degree it’s anything with sugar (he has a sweet tooth that would turn most people into diabetics) but chocolate seems to make the day after full moon pain a little better; it also helps with energy and iron, which his blood is always low on. Rarely will you see Remus without chocolate, and his first impulse on meeting someone is often to offer them some.

He’s a natural with children, teaching even when he’s not formally a teacher. He’s kind to anyone unless they prove first that they don’t deserve it. He’s slow to warm to a person, and quiet until you get to know him, at which time his sense of humor might come as a surprise; he’s never quite grown out of his love of pranks. He’s also slow to lose his temper, but he has one. It’s usually just buried; he hates anything that reminds him of the wolf, especially the loss of control that anger brings. Though he’s optimistic about the future for other people his pragmatic about his own present and future, not expecting much but pleased when he gets more then he thinks he should. Remus can also get depressed somewhat easily, and at such times can rely on alcohol a little more then he should.


Powers/Special Abilities: Remus is a wizard, and like all wizards he has his magical strengths (and weaknesses.) He is highly skilled in fighting dark creatures and using defensive spells, enough so that he was invited to teach at Hogwarts. Charms (the magic of making things do things they normally wouldn’t) are another strength. He is able to perform non-verbal spells, which is far more complex then spoken spells, and even some magic without a wand, which is even more difficult. He’s fought in two wars, one inn his youth and one that he is pulled from to come to Solarus, and as a result is skilled in offensive, defensive, and protective spells.

Though he wouldn’t call it a power or a special ability he is a werewolf, and changes with the full moon. Even in human form his hearing and smelling is a little keener then most humans. He’s also very clever and bookish, able to read Latin and Runes fluently, and having a working grasp on half a dozen languages including French and German (in part due to a dozen years traveling aimlessly.) He has lived among muggles (non-magic humans) so has some grasp on things like electricity (though computers elude him completely.

Writing Samples
Journal Entry: I dreamed about dinner at the Burrow again last night. Harry sat at the end of the table with Ron, Ginny and Hermione, and they all laughed as Tonks entertained them with her faces. Molly sat at my side, passing me bowl after bowl until my plate was heaped high with more food then I’ve eaten this past week. I woke, of course, just as I was to take a bite. For a moment the cave smelled of roast. No one does roast quite like Molly.

It’s been six weeks now since I’ve been amoung people other then the poor souls who live under Greyback’s rule. I would say since I’ve been home, but there isn’t a place to call home, now. Not the Burrow, as kind as Molly and Arthur have been about loaning me a corner of their space. Not Grimmauld, though I might, strangely enough, called it home for a year. Until Sirius...

It’s raining again today. The children are huddled together under a tree, their skin the same grey as the sky. The women tend to the pots where our meager allotment of food is stewing. While most of the men have claimed the driest place in the camp, under the rock overhang, a few are missing. A few of Greyback’s most loyal, which worries me. The moon is only a few days away. He’s planning something, and I don’t have enough trust to find out what it is. Once again I’ve failed Albus, and the Order.

Third Person Sample: Muscles twisting and bending, bones breaking and reshaping, tendons tearing. Remus slipped back into consciousness as he always did, biting his lip to keep from whimpering, curled up in a ball. The wolf made sure that he would be remembered until the next moon, leaving behind pain and the foul tang of rabbit’s blood in his mouth.

He’d become spoiled the last few years, with the Wolfsbane potion allowing him to keep his rational mind, and Padfoot’s company calming the beast and making moons, for the first time in year, not terrible. But Sirius was dead and he was undercover; there was no potions when one ran with Greyback’s pack. Only years of practiced meditation allowed him to keep any level of control; all he could say was that he hadn’t killed any humans. Yet. If the worst happened and Greyback was able to tempt the wolf into...

No. He couldn’t think about that. He had a job to do. He needed to pull himself together enough to find a way to escape the watch of the pack’s elders so he could send a report to Dumbledore. There were families in danger if the Order wasn’t able to protect them. Fighting against the pain that every movement made sent cascading through him, Remus forced himself to sit up. And realized, for the first time, that something was wrong.

“Where am I?” This was not the forest in Wales where he had been living these past months. The ground beneath him was too warm, and the air smelled wrong. The trees were not the trees he’d walked under, and the cave where he’d sought shelter was gone.

“Who are you?” He couldn’t have apparated, not without being conscious. The wolf did not have control of his magic. Only a very powerful wizard could have moved him, which meant trouble. Either he’d been discovered and Albus was trying to protect him, or he’d been discovered and he was now in the hands of Voldemort. He couldn’t find it in him to care either way. Closing his eyes he leaned back against a tree, and waited.

community: solaur eclipse, application

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