jailbait! woo!

May 02, 2008 23:33

I forgot to add, this meme generated by one mister davario

So, there's some people on the 'webs drawering pictures of themselves at 17, so, while trying to get myself into drawing more, I gave it a shot. 17 was a tough age to capture, since I went away to college at 17 and really everything changed. I decided to stick with high school and avoid the freshman me... if you REALLY want a picture of me sleeping through classes and crying into a telephone while clutching a phone-card you'll have to wait until I have the patience to draw things I'd rather not.

1. Had crushes on damn-near every girl in my journalism class until I met first gf 2 months into being 17 in English class... a somewhat awkward relationship between two first-timers who had it BAD for each other. It was sweet and awesome, though I WISH I'd been less of a wimp. Just KISS THE GIRL FOR CHRISSAKES! Later in the year I'd leave for college, and it would SUCK. SUCK SUCK SUCK. SUUUUUUUUUUCK.
2. During Junior year some girl had said I looked good with long hair, and I didn't like getting haircuts, so my hair was getting pretty long (it would eventually reach halfway down my back when wet, but that was sophomore year of college). It was just a smidge too short to fit all of it in a ponytail at this point, and actually stuck out a LOT more on the sides than I drew. It obstructed my vision most of the time which was good for avoiding getting called on in class, and blocked the rain. I won best guy's hair in my senior yearbook (no lies!)
3. At this point my entire school schedule consisted of AP (advanced placement) classes and working on the school paper. I was an editor for the arts and literature section by then, which was a bs job, and more importantly writing a column, the staff editorial most months, and various features. It was the most fun and the most work of anything in High School... nobody else at school stayed until 10pm for ANYTHING. Needless to say that between this, and my new gf, I was perpetually exhausted. Whenever I had the chance to stop working for a while, I was terrified of the future. Even college apps filled me with dread, probably part of why I went with Cal Poly, since they seemed nice, and it was a quick choice.
4. I had a closet full of plaid overshirts. No matter how much I fumigate, they STILL turn up. They were actually nice tommy hilfiger button-down dress shirts that my aunt gave me, but I never dressed up, so they got reassigned. I had this thing about earth tones for a while, so almost every one of them was brown, green, gray, or all of the above, and I have trouble remembering times I WASN'T wearing them. The aforementioned gf tried to convince me to stop wearing them because they were so hideous, and I eventually got rid of most of the really ugly ones. I only have two left, and wear them only when I'm out of options.
5. Nope, no facial hair here. Very little has changed really... I grow it now, but the fur on my lip still doesn't actually connect with the fur under my chin. I'm too lazy to shave much, so it's just as well. I had a few zits too, but not nearly as much as a lot of kids my age. Having fucktons of hair didn't help.
6. My favorite shoes... literally blue suede. Made by a company called "simple." I had another pair that were the exact same except in tan, and I occasionally mismatched them. Nobody ever noticed.
7. Cargo pants with the pockets STUFFED with utterly useless shit. Golf balls, a rubber frog, keychains (my keychain is not pictured... I had 8 keychains on it and ONE KEY), tissues, scraps of paper, etc. I'd cram love notes in here to give to the gf pretty frequently, and doodle a lot.
8. I've still never owned a Playstation 2 or gamecube, so I was rocking the N64! Favorite games at this point were Ocarina of Time, GoldenEye, Starfox 64, and Super Smash Bros. I was still listening to cd's, because though I HAD an ipod (the same one I still use) I didn't have a computer that could connect to it. Favorite bands at this point were the Velvet Underground, The Beatles (only the shitty stuff, like the Yellow Submarine album), The White Stripes. Already an ironic asshole in the making, as I had a casette of polka music to play in the morning to get myself the hell out of bed.
9. The original iMac, since I wouldn't get my laptop until near the end of the school year. It's still on my desk. We had a 56k modem, so I really didn't use it for much but playing snes roms, fallout, and sometimes diablo 2, and typing papers.

So I guess that's about the long and the short of it. Sorry for writing so much. I guess there's no WAY I was going to fit that on the image. Me back then wasn't TOO embarrassing. I didn't get into my lame taste in anime (I was after all, PRESIDENT of the japanese club, even if I knew nothing about it beyond what was on Toonami). I was pretty frumpy, bone white from never going outside, and a big wuss, but I still kinda am a lot of things I was back then. In some ways, I'm more like that now than I have been for the last few years. Still terrified, at least.

I'm tempted to draw the me of today, but I crapped out energy-wise. You've seen pictures of me, so you kinda know.
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