first cut

Dec 10, 2008 12:10

Hello, hello~! I am Fran Madaraki, creation (although "daughter" is a more fitting word) of the famous biochemist Naomitsu Madaraki, and what a charming community I seem to have stumbled upon. Those of you whom I have already met, it was a pleasure indeed. Those of you whom I have not, I look forward to making your acquaintance ( Read more... )

for science!, hardly a monster, ohoho, what fond memories, how interesting, for the good of humanity!, how amusing, professor, ohhhh young love, medicial debut, hello~, good times, ooc: fandom

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Comments 78

bellefierte December 11 2008, 02:34:31 UTC
I really do hope you don't turn me into something that.


patchyou_up December 11 2008, 14:57:33 UTC
Like what? There are many examples, sir~


beanoble19euros December 11 2008, 03:41:57 UTC
Hi I'm Peter Kirkland aka Sealand and I'm taking a poll!

Okay here goes!

1. Sealand is a great country, right? Even though Sea-kun has a small body, we have a large heart!!

2. There are nobles of Sealand all over the world! But Alfred says they don't count because we sell noble titles (on sale for €7 right now!). But they really are real, right?!

Thanks for participating in my poll!!


patchyou_up December 11 2008, 15:09:37 UTC
Sealand? Hm, I've never really been there, so I'll have to pass on the first question. I suppose the second question depends on if the person fulfills the duties of a noble after buying the title.


notusedtothis December 11 2008, 08:28:40 UTC

((ooc: There was a plot hole last time Chrona and Fran talked dontcha know?))


patchyou_up December 11 2008, 14:58:29 UTC
Did you trip and hit your head on the keyboard? I have done that once or twice, ahahaha~

((ooc: OHSNAP))


notusedtothis December 12 2008, 01:30:26 UTC
T-Those people...! W-Why are they like that!?

((ooc: Fran and Chrona first meet when Chrona was little Chrona and then despite not remembering what happened when she turned back, she still talked with Fran as if she knew her. PLOT HOLE))


patchyou_up December 12 2008, 01:50:06 UTC
I had to operate on them~!



stonecoldrose December 11 2008, 21:46:52 UTC
......Your fandom is just a tad abnormal, now isn't it.


patchyou_up December 11 2008, 23:51:00 UTC
We're all a little different.


stonecoldrose December 12 2008, 02:53:31 UTC
That's a little bit more than little.


patchyou_up December 12 2008, 14:52:17 UTC
I don't know why people call me insane or a monster just for using a different scientific approach.


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