待ちきれないよ Beautiful Days! ~ Claims, Blog Crew's and Color Bars~

Sep 16, 2017 14:35

Well here are my Claims,
Some blog crew i joined and
Some color bars!

"Thou art I and I am thou..."
Star ✖ Persona 3/4 Arcana Blogcrew『よっしゃー!我らがAKB ♪ Kashiwagi Yuki 』「 RIBON blog crew 」♥♥ Ya-Ya-Yah ga Yattekuru!Akito @  AIR GEAR BLOG CREW

{Tegoshi Yuya} can be so shy
Don't [ m i n d ] me if I get weak in the knees, cause [ Masuda Takahisa ] has that effect on me.
When The Moon's Reaching Out To The Stars PERSONA 3 Reincarnation OST

tales of vesperia

{Morimoto Ryutaro}
your v o i c e was the
soundtrack of my summer

*Tegoshi Yuya* is my little bunny with floppy ears and a poof tail

Whenever I think of →[Naruto Uzumaki]←
I get quite a w a r m feeling inside.

[She's All Mine] by [Kusano Hironori] pwns my soul.

[Masuda Takahisa] get this royal donut only for me, he's risking his life for it!

Kato Shigeaki ♥ My First Love Story
『Masuda Takahisa』
I fell in love at first sight

My paradise isn't on a beach,
it's in his arms.
{Masuda Takahisa}

I got a phonecall from
{Tegoshi Yuya}
and he told me,
"Where ever I maybe love,

I'll always be in your

it was
{Shigeaki Kato}
ran towards me. and said,
"baka. don't blame me if you get sick."
then he pulled me in his arms, and
we shared his jacket together.

tamaki x haruhi is practically canon love.

Haruhi & Kaoru are love.

Bleached love.

Tamaki Is Dork Love

color bars, claims, !blogcrews

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