This is from another site I visit.
Nicknames: Oggy
Current residence: Redditch
Birthday: December 23rd
Hair color: light brown/blonde..changes with the sunshine
Eye color: sorta blue/grey
Height: 5'1"
Do you bite your nails: not anymore
Can you roll your tongue:???
Can you cross your eyes?: yes
Can you tie a cherry stem in a knot with your tongue?: Whats the point?
Unwrap Starbursts with your tongue?: yes
Tattoos and where: No, never got round to it
Piercing and where: just my ears, twice
Do you make your bed daily: ROTFLMAO
Which shoe goes on first: Depends how awake I am, right usually I think
Speaking of shoes, have you thrown one at someone: among other things yes
How much money is usually in your wallet: Not much, can't take it with you
What jewelry do you wear 24/7: Wedding ring.
What’s sexiest on a guy: a smile
What’s sexiest on a girl: a satisfied smile
Would you rather be on time and look ok or late and look great: I'm always early
Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it: Slurp it
How many cereals are in your cabinet: 2
What utensils do you use eating pizza: fingers
Do you cook: not if I can afford take away
Do you shower/bathe: lying in the bath, dreaming of Johnny....
How long do these showers last: Showering, only takes a few minutes, no time to daydream
Hair drying method: blast furnace, damn stuff takes hours to dry
Do you swear: frequently, loudly
Do you mumble to yourself: When the boss is nagging
Do you spit in public: oh dear I have some really bad habits don't I?
In the cd player: Dust, it's broken
A person you talk most on the phone with: Some idiot at our Wholesale office
What color is your bedroom: Deep red
Do you use an alarm clock: Yes , two, i hate mornings
Name four things or people you're obsessed with: Johnny Depp, Tommy Lee, Sebastian Bach and Stargate SG1/Atlantis
Have you ever skinny dipped with the opposite sex: Nope
Ever sunbathed in the nude: Topless yes, nude never going to happen
Window seat or aisle: Window, I like to see how far I'm going to fall
What kind of bed do you like: any, Johnny's would be nice
Do you snore: don't know
Do you sleepwalk: see above
Do you talk in your sleep: yes, I have been known to have entire conversations
How about the light on: who cares, as long as I'm getting....
Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio: no
Last time you…
walked off a cliff: ermmmmm can't recall
watched Bambi: about 20 years
cried: This morning......... in anger...not a pretty sight
talked on the phone: 5 minutes
read a book: Harry Potter and The Half blood Prince
punched someone: I don't do that anymore, have to set a good example to my kids, but I swear next time my son comes home, crying cuz that little bully has hit him, his damn mother is going to hospital!!
Where do you see yourself ten years from now: Dunno, live for today!
Who are you gonna to be married to and where: I am
How many kids do you want to have: 2 and then i got done.
Your profession: Professional Idiot (sales assistant)
Future school: Future! At my age, jeez i couldn't wait to get out!
Is music important to you: Housework doesn't get done unless theres music on. Loud.
Do you sing: Well thats a loose description of what I do
What instruments do you play: Piano, badly
In your opinion what band is the best of all time: AC/DC
pop music: get thee away from me Satan!
rock music: The louder and cruder the better
punk music: Once upon a time yes
rap music: *spits*
hip-hop/RB: you trying to upset me?
country: one or two songs
jazz: no
classical: sometimes yeah
new age: yuk
hardcore: what, porn?
indie rock: not really
What do you notice first?: eyes
Do you have a crush on anyone?: you want a list?
Easiest to talk to: I'm not
Last person you…
Hugged: Ian
You instant messaged: Rosewildeirish...a Stargate fan
You laughed with: my husband
Could you live without the computer?: Tried it once, not something I want to do again
What's your favorite fruit: Kiwi
What hurts the most? The thought of losing my kids or husband, it takes my breath away
Trust others way too easily? No
Of times you have had your heart broken?: Once, then he realised he couldn't live without me
Of hearts you have broken?: None
Of CD's owned?: 50 or so
Of scars on my body?: Two
Of things in my past that I regret?: Having an abortion
I know: nothing, it wasn't me honest guv!
I want: To get laid as often as possible
I have: no morals
I wish: I'd never started this
I hate: people who mess with kids, people who hurt animals for no reason, the beatles
I miss: being ten years old, in the summertime....and Pookums
I fear: nothing
I love: flowers in spring, childrens laughter, snowmen and that smell that is my childrens own comforting smell
I care: Do I?
I always: daydream
I cry: when it hurts
I do not always: engage my brain before I open my mouth
I confuse: myself
I can usually be found: eating
Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing: nope, unless you count the 'Tie me up and have your wicked way'games
Wuss: No
Druggie: once or twice
Gang member: no
Daydreamer: all day and all night
Alcoholic: Where? Gimme
Freak: yes
Brat: yes
Sarcastic: who me? Not!
Goody-goody: positively angelic
Angel: see! I told ya so!
Devil: * looks around innocently*
Friend: yes
Shy: a little
Talkative: not very
Adventurous: No. Too much hard work
Intelligent: Of course
Wish you saw more often: my Mom, I miss her
Laugh the most with: my kids
Wish you knew better: yes
Knows you best: Husband, too well.
Best to hang out with when stressed: When I'm stressed, I lock myself away and turn up the volume
Your best feature [personality]: couldn't say
Your biggest flaw [personality]: to many to list
Most annoying thing you do: take the mickey
Biggest mistake you've made this far: doing this survey
Describe your personality in one word: Totally F**ked up
The physical feature for which you are most often complimented: Nobody compliments me, except my husband, but you don't wanna know what he says
A smell that makes you smile: my kids hair
A city you'd like to visit: Atlantis
A book you highly recommend: Any. Books are good for you. Go out and read one now!
A film you could watch over and over: Pirates of The Caribbean........I do watch it over and over....and over....and over