Title: Tantrums of a Shopaholic
Rating: G
Word Count: 100.
Character(s)/Pairings: Harry/Parvati
Summary: Harry's trapped with no way out...
Challenge: Shopping (10)
House: Beauty
Author's Notes (A/N): :D Comments Appreciated. It's crap, but I decided to post it whereas I wasted time on it.
Harry was caught between a rock and a hard place.
“It’s n’fair, Harry! You’re so CRUEL TO ME!” Parvati bawled, hitting their bed with her fists and feet as she threw a rather fantastic tantrum.
“I said no, Parvati. Crying won’t help. No!”
Harry cringed as her sobs grew louder, he usually indulged his wife but he knew what a monster she became when allowed to do what she was asking.
He shuddered, remembering the last time. She had almost reduced him to tears!
Sobs became near-screeches. “PLEASE!”
He crumbled, “FINE!” Harry sighed, “You can take me shopping for clothes.”