I've just completed a two day home network installation ordeal. O the things I due to surf the net for porn in peace...
It all started when my broadband modem died. Apparently the cable company "discovered" after 4 months that I was using an "unregistered" modem. My registered modem was being used by my sisters. Having the two modems made it unnecessary to use a router to connect mines and my sisters' computer to the web. To register a modem would have cost me an extra 40 bucks! Hell no sir will I pay this monopoly of a cable company an extra 40 buckaroos a month. Of course it would be easy to use the router I had bought for no reason at all to connect mines and my sister computer.
Thing is that the only solution that wouldn't have required me to put on a tool belt and get to some serious wiring would have forced me to share my room with my sisters. This would have seriously cut into my "Personal" time. So ladies and gentlemen I go to work. Mind you I am not a handy guy. My idea of home improvement is to push the TV closer to my bed. To accomplish this daunting mission I would have to drill a hole in the outer walls of my bedroom on the second floor of the house and drill a hole in the den below my bedroom where the family PC is. Then string through a 25 foot cable and connect the cable to the afore mentioned linksys router. Sounds simple right? All I can say is that it took me about 8 hours to drill two measly holes. I finally headed to home depot to find the correct drill bit. In the end I final got everything strung and connect properly, only to find out that my 25 foot cable was defective! Needless to say I felt like such a dumbass. I spent the whole rest of the night "taking care" of myself in order not to fall into a deep irreversible depression.
This morning I woke up at 7 just to go to home depot for the second time only to find out that I bought the wrong size drill head and therefore would have to go back on a fourth trip to get the proper drilling bit. This time I checked the cables before stringing them through and connected everything to the router. Of course the linksys router wouldn't function properly. To my annoyance I was forced to read the damn directions to the router to get it to work. And now everything is working fine and my manhood is intact. The great lesson here to take from this boy and girls is that I am way too addicted to porn.
Ethernet Wiring Hell