yeah last night i watched the original batman movie.... DUDE I LOVE IT lo it was so grate. yeah thats all really im going on a feield trip today.... hmmm PEACE
Ahh! I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE Batman! I love the part when the joker is all, "You ever dance with the devil by the pale moonlight?" and Batman is all like "What?" and then the joker is all "I always ask that of all my prey, I just like the sound of it." AND THEN HE SHOOTS BATMAN! and your all like "Holy shit! He just Shot Batman!" but then Vicki sees that he's gone and the metal plate is there and your like. "Batman is the man!"
yeah Jay im starting to like batman... REALLY like it. But (exit_lite) is right... im talking about that one. i dont know which one your reffering to, BUT iv got to see that one too. OH and thinking about this did you get my presant?? mary finaly gave it to stanly to give to you so yeah demand to get it NOW!!! lol yeah peace.
are you talking about the real old school movie? Because if you are Jays and idiot. that and the real old school one is SOOOO amazing!! like when there at sea and they figure out EVERYthing is a riddle and Robins like "sea! We were at sea! C for Catwoman!!" or when that big plastic shark attacks batman!!HAHAHAHA i love that.
YES THATS THE ONE!!! my favorite one was what weighs six ounces sits in a tree and is highly dangerous... a sparrow with a machine gun.... I LOVE IT!!! or just the fact they added in the *POW*- *BIFF* things durring the fights. that movies like my new fav for the moment.
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