Perth drivers are, for the most part, bad. so to make light of the situation and to get some kind of fun out of dealing with idiots, I've made a game called "Do we have a WINNER?!"
Rules of play;
The game is played in thick traffic, typically rush hour on the freeway or unusually busy roads.
What you do is leave at least a cars length gap between you and the person in front, plenty of room for someone to pull in should they want to. then you wait.
I've noticed that people will normally ignore the gap you so graciously provide them, until the situation becomes more unsafe, then they'll leap for it. a merge point is a good example, there is what i call the zipper manouver where you leave room for a car to come in to merge while the next car lines up behind you and so on, two lanes coming together in a nice smooth zipper formation.
if someone pushes in rather than dropping back, they are A WINNER! or if they ignore your gap to push past someone else, they also become a WINNER!
other things like changing lanes without indicators, ignoring people trying to merge in spite of their indicators and swerving lane dodgers all mark contestants as WINNERS! so while you get a grat show brainless twits, they get points based on how dangerous or dumb their tricks are, bonuses for combinations.
Remember, the idea isn't to judge drivers. I don't care if they're male, female, trans, LGBT or straight, caucasian african asian or indian. if you're going to pilot 1000KG+ of metal on the roads, I would like to think you have the right training and experience to do it in a mature manner. mistakes are forgiven, ignorace is not.
I usually have my Contour camera [ like a go-pro ] running during these trips to record people as i provide a running commentary, it's great. such a fun game and it beats the need to feel road rage.
so, are you a WINNER!?