Well today's ramblings are brought to you by the service "Greater internet".
Now there is a few things I don't seem to understand, despite my time spent online, roaming the vastness that is the internet itself, ever expanding into some seemingly infinite space. Almost like the real universe I suppose. But what I don't understand comes to me as something that should be rather trivial in the scheme of things.
Download Resume. sure most if not all peer to peer clients support this as they don't retrieve data in a sequential fashion, many browsers today have at least pause/resume or the option for plugins or an over-ride app to support this ( way back in, having resume support in internet explorer 5 by way of a download manager was a god-send for that pesky 6megabyte patch that kept timing out over dial up.
So the technology is there which leads me to two questions; why doesn't EVERYONE have it for any application, manager, system etc that could ever require such a thing? my internet connection at work is patchy at best. It's stuck in the 1.5mbps world and has to pass through a proxy at head office via tunneled vpn to boot. the solution works fine over east because they're on the LAN side of things but in WA, I have to basically ask a server at head office, at 1.5/256 "speeds" for a file, which then it puts the request in, and slowly streams the file back to oh sorry network time-out please try again.
if it did it in the first megabyte of 70, I wouldn't care, I'd hit retry and be on my merry way. but no. this is the world of computers, where critical failures only occur at the most untimely points of an operation. like at the last 3MB. So after three retrys with the connection seemingly unable to accept as low as a 15MB file without failure, I gave up on the idea. this situation and the wasted data could have been avoided if only my app supported resume. I find this to be, frankly, bullshit.
Which gets me to my next problem. Youtube on my android tablet [ Asus TF101, 10" ] is treated as a mobile platform. yet it insists to run videos in 720p hd mode by default. You can tell youtube to not do that over a 3G connection but the issue is my tablet only has wifi connectivity, which is used regularly with tethering to my mobile phone. more wasted data as I wait for it to buffer the first few seconds in HD, only for me to pause, swap to low quality, wait for buffer so I can pause it again and let it actually pre-load the video.
Given the hopeless nature of my workplace wifi, it's not much better than my mobile connection. and my home connection will commonly be choked by various things. so where's my option to never play HD videos even over wifi? it's one little option, Google. Don't be a dick about it. And speaking of dicks, "The owner of this video has not made it available to mobile users" is a complete cop-out. youtube now supports advert playing on mobile [ fffffuuuuuuuuu ] so why the hell can't it play any video in the youtube library? now before you think 'oh its a formatting thing' I note that one said video in question was a Part 1 of 2, of which part two was happily available to "mobile users"
All in all it's brainless crap like this that makes me very worried for the future of the world. Many know that Sense is becoming quite a rarity as people are padded up in cosy blankets and bubble wrap, then sold with whimsical and fantastic promises on whatever badged pile of shit is put before them. just because of the damn badge. Really. I wonder if I was born without that special something that makes me worry about my public image, or that somehow ambution or greed were quashed somewhere in my upbringing, I don't entirely know. But I do know when I see something displeasing, and all too oft I see it.
Is there a reason, legitimately, why something would be restricted in the above mentioned fashion? because that I'm just not seeing.
-One Blue One.
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