"Hey Brother All They Let Us Have Is Each Other..."

Aug 26, 2005 10:35

I wish I could describe how I was feeling. I've been going through tons of emotions in the past few weeks. I know how I mentioned that I thought stress was what was making me sick and it was. But my doctors found I had untreated stomach ulcers and that they had gone untreated for so long. It was that that was making me completely ill. When I stress ( Read more... )

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patriotskinhead August 28 2005, 15:35:43 UTC
Heh thanks. It's giving me some probs but once I get it completely running....watch out fuckers.


xadmox August 26 2005, 19:35:27 UTC
G'day pal

Long time, no talk eh? I'm so glad to read that your getting things together, going out and socialising and shit and really climbing out of the rut. We can't live on My Space forever.

About your brother, thats some insanely fucked shit. Man, I know if that happened to my brother I'd be filled with so much anger and hate, its so fucking ridiculous. I hope when he moves out to Okie he can get things on track.

Nice wheels to, sir. I've been 16 for fucking ages but laziness has stopped me from getting my learners license. I'm organising the first hardcore show in my town, and I reccomended 'Admofest' as the name for a goof and the dudes actually liked it, so, October 8th should see Admofest set T-Town on fucking fire haha.

I'll talk to you soon, man. Take care.


patriotskinhead August 28 2005, 15:39:08 UTC
I don't live on myspace you numbnuts haha. But thanks. I've been doing a ton better these days as opposed to sitting in the hole I was previously in.

Yeah I can't wait to have my brother back here. I don't like the idea of him being out there and not being able to have his back when he needs it. I hope he enjoys being out here.

And get on the ball. Get your license shithead....Pronto.

You? Organizing a hardcore show? Don't you have to be hardcore to do that? Haha you hippy. I hope you have fun with that.


growlstrike August 27 2005, 12:17:54 UTC
Glad shits sorta going your way these days. Things are happening here too.

Sorry about your brother though, you take good care of him. I wish you guys the best.

Take it easy hombre.


patriotskinhead August 28 2005, 15:39:59 UTC
Thanks man. Glad shits going swell for the both of us. It's about damn time.

And I will take care of the bastard once he gets back. You can bet your ass on it.


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