Stupid sexist IDIOTS

Mar 03, 2010 06:00

I just feel like SCREAMING and punching things. How can people be so DUMB? Especially the bloody police force!

So we had this talk from the police about staying safe in the city. Started off good, not leaving valuables arond, letting weird people into the halls etc etc. Then they started talking about violent crime and it all went downhill.

You know what? A man is far, FAR more likely to be assaulted in town than a woman! Yes, it's less likely he'll be raped. Instead he'll just be robbed, beaten or murdered, you know? Because that's not serious at all! By now, I'm fairly sure young women know better than to wander off by themselves because of fear of TEH RAPISTS!!!1! but guys don't consider it risky in the same way. So you know, a bit more emphasis on that would be nice, surely?

And as far as rapes go, while I can't remember the statistics, the VAST majority of rapes are not stranger rapes. You're more likely to get raped by your friend's flatmate, that guy you know from your Spanish tute who offered to walk you home from town, the hot guy from badminton, than you are to be raped by a stranger with a knife. It will most likely be someone that you know, and someone that you trust. Stranger rapes do happen, but not often. So of course the police officer mentioned the possibility of acquaintance rape exactly how many times? How about NONE.

Tell you what he did mention: that if you stay safe, if you don't drink too much, if you don't walk home by yourself, you'll be fine. Yeah, if you're a good girl, a nice girl, you'll be fine. If not, well hey! You were warned! You put yourself in that situation! What can you expect?

I'm not saying that you shouldn't be sensible, because it is bloody stupid to wander off by yourself after you've had a few, but it still doesn't mean shit! It's not your fault if there's some dickwad looking for a fucked up power trip! You could trip over him stark naked and IT WOULD STILL BE HIS FAULT. No matter what you're wearing, where you are, how much you've had to drink, NO ONE has the right to rape you, and it is never anyone's fault or responsibility or whatever but his.

Why don't the police talk more to the guys? One joking mention of, 'and it's still rape if she's too drunk to say no, haha' is not enough. And it's not fucking funny! What about mentioning that even if you buy her a drink, five drinks, whatever, she doesn't owe you anything? What about mentioning that even if she kisses you, she doesn't necessarily want to have sex with you? What about mentioning even if you're getting REALLY friendly, and then she wants to stop, YOU HAVE TO FUCKING STOP. Saying yes to kissing or whatever doesn't mean shit if she then says no!

Why do they spend so much time telling us to be scared of leaving our own fucking houses, telling us all the things we have to do to keep safe (because these things are of course infallible) and all the things we must never do because they're 'asking for it', but not talk to the guys about the toxic kind of mindsets that produce these beliefs? When someone says, 'it's rape if she's unconscious,' everyone should be thinking, 'that's seven different kinds of fucked up that someone would even CONSIDER doing that!' rather than, 'haha, I dunno... she's not saying no, is she?'

So yeah, basically that little talk of his was so fucked up and ineffective, we would all probably have been better off staying in our rooms, because this dude is so blinded by the sexist attitudes and mores of our society, he has absolutely ZERO clue about how to go about even attempting to prevent violent crime.

rape, police, sexism, asshat, rant

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