You know you are from New Zealand because:
1. You eat Marmite not Vegemite
2. You wear jandals no matter what time of year
3. You know what Rotorua smells like
4. You know Australia is just a big desert
5. You know why Auckland is called the City of Sails
6. You know why people from Auckland are called JAFAs
7. If You are from Auckland you know the other meaning of JAFA
8. You know why Students in Hamilton have to drink - there is nothing else to do
9. You know the Sky Tower is the tallest structure in the Southern Hemisphere
10. You know at least three different names for Fish and Chips.
11. You know that Pineapple Lumps and Jet Planes are awesome.
12. You know where CANDYLAND is
13. You know Pavlova came from New Zealand NOT Australia
14. You know at least three people that work in London
15. You know what a POM is.
16. You know what Sir Edmund Hilary did and DAMN it you're proud of it.
17. At least one of your relatives is a Builder
18. You know what happens at 7 o 'clock week nights
19. You have no problem going to HELL pizza
20. The WAREHOUSE is where you can get anything.
21. You know the LEFT side of the road is the correct side of the road.
22. You know where the MOTORWAY starts and finishes
23. You know when your cities Anniversary Day is
24. You know what Waitangi Day is all about
25. You can name at least one All Black
26. You know how amazing sausage rolls are no matter how old you are
27. You know in your town where to get the best meat pies
28. You know you are from New Zealand because you call an esky a chilly bin
29. You are in a photo somewhere next to a giant 'gumboot'/carrot.
30. You have your photo next to a giant L&P bottle
31. You (or your children) don't have to wear shoes at school.
32. You call a vivid a vivid not an art liner or sharpie
33. You know what "spitting the dummy" is and you know someone at your work that does it constantly.
34. You know that there are more sheep that people in New Zealand.
35. You know how to do the HAKA and if you get drunk enough you will perform it for foreigners.
36. You use the words "cuzzie" and "bro" when talking to most relatives. Or people that aren't relatives.
37. You know more people that use BEBO than MYSPACE.
38. You know who Tem Morrison is and why he was selected as Jango Fett.
39. You know where Hobbiton is and you know its real name.
40. You know why Wellington is called WINDY Wellington.
41. You know how to pronounce Whakatane and it's not WACA-TAIN
42. You know which ALL BLACK was in a JOCKEY's campaign shown around the world.- Danny!
43. You know why One Tree Hill is called One Tree Hill and it's not because a statue is on top
44. You grew up on Weet-Bix and you know why the All Black supports them
45. When you are overseas and people call you Australian, and you hate it they can't tell the difference in the accents.
46. You know at least 6 places you can buy green stone from.
47. When you heard the news report that google blocked the city Whakatane for it's pronunciation you thought it was hilarious
48. Whenever you here the song "Baby Come on" you think of a telecom commercial
49. You have a feeling Australians are cheaters after the underhand bowl of 1970.
50. You know a Hangi is better than any American Thanksgiving
51. You know that any sentence can be made better with the word "AS" at the end.
52. When you heard that Bull Rush was that out of school because it was rough the first thought that came to your head was this generation is going to be too soft.
53. A kiwi is not a fruit and it's not okay to eat one. - SO MUCH THIS
54. You know Bungie Jumping started off a bridge in Queenstown
55. You know where to find black sand
56. You know that Wellington is the most southern capital in the world.
57. You get upset when you think that all the best lamb and beef gets exported.
58. You know feijoa is something great to eat and especially love feijoa flavoured lollies.(I'm not really a fan, and don't like kiwifruit either :P )
59. You know TradeMe is definitely better than Ebay
60. You know Russell Crowe was born in New Zealand but don't mind the Australians claim him as theirs
61. Even though Anna Paquin was born in Canada you consider her a Kiwi.
Yeah, I think I've probably got cred as a kiwi :P