The Hunger Games and thoughts on series books...

Jul 02, 2012 13:26

I don't think I'm spoiling anything with my thoughts, but just in case, I'll hide my thoughts under the cut.

What is it about series books that I don’t like but get sucked into again and again?  And I’ve yet not to be disappointed when beginning  the first book of a series that consistently falls flat in book two, let alone does anything to recapture my interest by book three, four, etc.  The only exception for me is Harry Potter and maybe Rick Riordan’s Percy Jackson and the Olympians series.

Maybe that’s why I’m disappointed in The Hunger Games that, in my opinion, should have ended with the first book.  It could be that my expectations were too high, what with rave review after rave review, but even the first book didn’t appeal to me as much as I anticipated.  The idea of the book was great, but the lack of any expansion of characters other than Katniss was annoying.  But not as annoying as the implementation of a love triangle that just didn’t work for me.


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