You Will Probably Not Read This

Jan 14, 2004 22:53

I mainly did this because I wanted to answer "Pirates of the Caribbean" to all the questions.


-what do your parents call you: Megan (by both) Megan Marie (when angry)
-what do your grandparents call you: Megan, light of our lives, wonder child, beautiful descendant
-what do you consider an ideal age: I like when other people are in their 70s; for some reason everyone is alright at this age. Like we all see what Ms. Kellet would be like if she were younger, because Ms. Morris is her daughter. And Ms. Morris is aggravating, but Ms. Kellet is just cute. I always feel like I'm wasting my life, so I would probably want to be as young as I could. That way I would know that I still have some time.
-if you have had pets, what were their names: Assorted nameless gerbils and nameless fish are buried in our backyard, my last gerbil was named Leonard. He died. My present gerbils are named Napoleon and Grayscale, but Napoleon just recently died too. My dog is named Casey-- I really liked Lisa Frank in fifth grade and this was the name of one of her illustrated dogs. Shut up, it's better than Duke!(what my brother wanted to name our puppy)
-do you have siblings and how far apart are you: I have a brother who is three years older than me.
-do you get along with your siblings: Sure.


-what is your dream job: I can never picture myself doing anything well. I guess some sort of ambassador. I don't know, that's a lie.
-what movie did you last rent with your mom: Pirates of the Caribbean
-what do you wake up to in the morning: radio (5:50 AM!!)
-what is the one food that you always order from restaurants if nothing else appeals to you on the menu: grilled cheese! Not so much anymore, but this used to be my staple in elementary school. I NEVER ORDER CAESAR SALAD!
-what do you like most about your physical appearance: my hands
-what is your favorite non-animated disney flick: Pirates of the Caribbean! Hmm, I don't know, I used to really love Bed-knobs and Broomsticks.
-what do you feel about cell phones and cars: Don't you mean "HOW do you feel?" JEN!!!! Cell phones shouldn't be used while driving a car. Driving requires concentration.
-what was the last thing you lied to your parents about: probably something stupid, like "I'm done my homework" when I wasn't, or something.


-do you watch the academy awards: I usually have homework to do that night, but I would watch them if I were ever free. I watch a lot of crap on TV.
-do you eat breakfast, if so, what: Usually cereal during the week, and bagels on weekends.
-do you like yogurt: Yes.
-do you ever say that you're listening to music for lj posts just to seem cool, even though you haven't head that particular song in like a month: Bien sur.
-do you watch wheel of fortune: No.
-do you like peanut butter and jelly: Love peanut butter and jelly- with strawberry jelly.
-do you understand the hype about pirates or the caribbean, or do you feel that it was just an okay movie, and don't get the excitement: SHUT UP JEN YOU HAVEN'T EVEN SEEN IT YET!!
- do you ever want to visit nebraska for like a month, just to say you've been there: Not 'just to say I've been there,' but I would love to go anywhere and live there for a month. I would get to know the people, listen to them, tell them my problems. We would have a bond.
-do you think mic jagger should stop performing: No opinion.


-mtv or vh1: I watch the "I Love.." series on VH1, but I like MTV's graphics. But VH1 is really lame. I don't know, MTV, then I guess.
-andy dick or jackson pollack: Jackson Pollack
-cocoa puffs or fruit loops: cocoa puffs
-gap, old navy or banana republic: banana republic (or none of the above)
-trading spaces or changing rooms: I hate shows based on making over houses!
-godfather part I, or godfather part II: haven't seen the second yet. So, Part I!
-Jay Leno or Dave Letterman: Ew, Jay Leno is the worst ever.
-Katie Curic or Matt Lauer: No opinion.
-rachel and ross or rachel and joey: Rachel and Ross, although, eh never mind, I don't care enough to explain.
-vanilla coke or pepsi twist: vanilla coke, but really, neither.
-chicago or moulin rouge: Moulin rouge, I guess. But I don't really like it too much.
-kevin bacon or kevin costner: Kevin Bacon! Hahaha
-anorexia or bulimia: personal preference? I guess... oh who am I kidding- I don't have enough will power. I'm eating dough-nuts RIGHT NOW!!!
-spring or fall: Fall
-Iron Chef or Emril: Iron Chef
-Prada or Coach: Prada
-Versace or Gucci: MARC JACOBS!
-Michelle Kwan or....never mind. no one can beat michelle. Shut up Jen and stop watching ice skating.
-Kashmir or Stairway to Heaven: Stairway I guess
-The Who or The Guess Who: The Who
-incense or scented candles: neither
-black tea or green tea: green tea


-if you had won $250,000 from the lottery-taxes already taken out, what would you do with it: Ask my parents what to do, do whatever they said.
-if you could be doing anything else right now, that you've wanted to do for a few days and just haven't, what is it: Make a list
-if you could eat only one type of candy for the rest of your life, what kind would it be: Reese's pieces.
-if you could be friends with anyone famous, who would it be: Sophia Coppola. I don't know.
-if you could delete people off of your buddy list that you never feel like talking to, how many would you delete: one. (Ooo, who is it?!)
-if you could only get an a in one class, which one would you pick: Calculus
-if you could see anyone you are accquainted with as a showgirl in vegas, who would it be: what?! Um, Craig Getting! What a hot woman!
-if i made another survey, would you do it: No. sorry.

So I can't get it to display the words right, but it's an lj cut none the less. I'm improving.
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