Just over two weeks ago we met with our oncologist, presenting the latest set of scans and blood results. At that point I had been jaundice free for perhaps 5-6 weeks which was definitely making life more comfortable. My oncologist, you could tell, was very pleased to see how I was a survivor, that I was beating odds that we all thought would have
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Comments 33
You're a good man Paul and I wish you could stay with us a good while yet. I guess I'm hoping for a miracle. At the very least, I'm hoping you have as easy a time of it as possible.
One of my favourite things that happens in the Susan Sarandon movie "Stepmom" (yes, I watched it in a panic right before I got married and became a "Stepmom") is that she has this thing with her son where she tells him they're going to have dream dates. Like, "see you at the beach tonight, in our dreams".
I've always thought that if I was going to die, and didn't want to cough up something I don't actually believe in like "we'll be together again in heaven" (comforting as this was to me when my grandfather died and I was 11 years old)(also, the Small One is quite sharp, she'd probably ask things like "if we're all together in heaven, is Daddy's Number One Wife Who Died going to be the Mum, or are you going to be the Mum?), I'd try a variation of the "Stepmom" dream date system.
GOOD LUCK, anyway.
I've only met you briefly and was on a panel with you at Aussiecon 4. I hear of you everywhere, of course, and finally picked up your collection, The Last Days of Kali Yuga. Weeks later and I'm still thinking about Wives. It sneaks up on me in unexpected moments.
I don't know you, really, but I know you're a remarkable person. I hope you can hang on for that tablet trial. I hope a lot of things for you, and Jules and Isla. Whatever happens, Isla is going to know how much you love her, and what kind of person you are, because everyone here who loves you will make sure she knows.
Good luck.
You will do the best you can with that conversation with Isla - that's all you can do. Narrelle said very much what I might have (but with less grande opera and more good sense). I'll add - just look at the comments across your whole journal. Isla has a Dad who inspires people - not just to creative excellence, but to personal courage. I have no doubt that she is the one you will inspire most of all, her whole life, on both counts.
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