Kyaaaaaa I passes Statistiek! (Statistical course) Only a year late, lol XD I failed it twice before and now I FINALLY PASSED \o/
IN other uni-news: I'm not doing the 3rd year; I'm doing the 2nd once more .__. I managed to only get less than half of my necessary points, and I figured it would positively kill me if I had to do the 3rd year AND those courses at the same time. (Seeing that there have been several occasions in the past year that I wanted scream and flee and never look back <.<) So. Yeah. Seeing as I did pass some courses, my next year is going to be REALLY. PEACEFUL. :D (and expensive because goddamn I have to put down the entire 1600 euros while I'm only taking half the classes XD) Ah well, let's just say that this way, I can do the 3rd year in a more peaceful manner :/ IDK.
Also. We are going to MOVE 0_0 At least, that's how my mom feels at the moment. She can change her mind in the next few days though. She did so before. Like, 5 times >< But, ever since the neighbor passed away unexpectedly, my mom has been determined to move; the walls are very, VERY thin and you can hear everything our neighbors do. Like talking, or walking. We're NEVER EVER going to get a new neighbour that's just as considerate and quiet as our former neighbor. So I THINK we are going. And it stresses me the fuck out T_T I was born in this neighborhood! I grew up here, scraped my knees on the sidewalks, almost got killed when I fell down the stairs, knew and know every dog and cat (psssh, humans? Why should I?), explored the woods, delivered newspapers, and celebrated 21 birthdays here. So I'm sentimental U_U
And I'm acting if I'm crossing half the world. While I'm staying in the same city :#
BUT! I know the people here. I cross the street, walk into the woods and there are people there that know me, that know that Dana isn't aggressive, just scared stiff. People that I won't see again, because I'm still quite a distance away. I could take my bike, but I still won't be able to do that for the small walks around the block, simply because those have the purpose of being SHORT. I will have to get to know people all over again (because I'm so naturally GOOD at that >.>;;) and I will have to find out which dogs to avoid because they'd rather eat my fluffy brat.
And. And. My room is SMALLER ;_; Everyone that has been to my room knows I'm an absolute PACK RAT. I will have to get rid of things I DON'T WANT TO GET RID OF. Waaah. I'm rebelling against this a bit, because really, how long will I be staying in that house? I'm 21, and rather determined to move out when I get the chance. Spread my wings and all that jazz. But, I guess I'm also a little bit excited. I've never moved before! And I get a balcony with my room :3
Anyway, working on a OpenMinded comic. SMUT~~~ Although I'm rather discouraged by other people's works, if I'm honest U_U My story has exactly 5 pages of 'normal' interaction, the rest is SMUT. And the others all have nice, intricate plots and stuff and I'm goddamned scared to stick out like a sore thumb. Don't misunderstand, I love how it is turning out, but BECAUSE I like it I'm terrified that people will look at those other stories and compare mine to them and find mine lacking in 'normal' plot. I'm inches away from cancelling it and just putting it on Y!Gallery ^^;; Mmm. My performance anxiety is still bad XD
oh. And I'm sick :C Sure, I can have that, too XD