everyone's a dancer

Aug 21, 2008 17:39

California has beach bods and new york has the indie bohemian. Jacksonville has the rockabees and memphis has the folkers and atlanta has the souldiers.
i was thinking of taking a trip to new york and I realized that most of my friends there are dancers. Weird.

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Comments 4

allykittycat August 22 2008, 12:14:15 UTC
I wish they all could be California girls! (Wish they all could be California girrrrrrrrrrrrrrrls)


daydreaminboi83 August 22 2008, 14:57:40 UTC
Hey! I know we haven't talked in years...and we've never met in person...but you should come visit me in California! Well, San Francisco to be exact.


payachi August 22 2008, 23:14:31 UTC
What are you doing in sf?


daydreaminboi83 August 22 2008, 23:28:02 UTC
grad school.


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